
Év, oldalszám:2021, 3 oldal


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COVID-19 The week of 12/ 14/ 2020, Dr. Matt Pfüeger , ith Cardinal Family Medicine and Rhonda Adams , ith Huntington County Health Department, met , ith city employees for a question and answer session regarding the release of the COVID19 vaccine. Below is a list of questions and answers from those sessions Questions are in Black Answers are in Brown Ara peopla axperi ancing sida affacts? What percantage of paople hava side effects? Oldar, younga r, healthy or undarlying haalth concerns? lt doesnt depend on age tor side effects. About 25% of people with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine will get either a headache, fever or muscle pain. lt does not mean that you are getting sick from COVID as the vaccine doesnt give you COVID. lt just means your immune system is ramping up to the vaccine. How long ílo the side effects !ast? lf you get headaches, fever, and muscle pains with the vaccine, you could expect them to last only a day or two. Will tha va.ccine give immun ity? As of now, we

are seeing memory B cells and T cells that give long term immunity. 1cannot speculate if we will need a booster ina year or two. As of now, we believe that the vaccination will be enough to give a long term immunity. How long do tha antibodies !ast? This goes to the above question. We hope that the immunity is long term There is not a test you can do ín the doctors office to prove your long term immunity yet. What is the ant icipated timeli ne fot· immu nity after t e,,ievi ng the slwts? We see the first spike ín immunity after the 1st vaccine at about 14 days. However, we dont expect that immunity to be long term which is why you need the booster 2nd dose. A week after the second dose is when you would expect the 90-95% efficacy rate in preventing COVID-19. The vaccine is not 100% and ín very elderly populations may be more around 85-90% effective. However, it is more effective when a large amount of people get it and lower the community spread and risk of exposure. Also, we are

unsure about the long term immunity that is created when you get COVID naturally. There is not a good way to determine that answer. So we are more clear about long term immunity with the vaccine than with a natural infection. Does the vac;c;ina kaap you from heing a sprnacl er of COVID 19? We hope so. That information is still working on being gathered People are following the people from the studies to see if they are shedding the vírus even after getting vaccinated. That information will continue to be updated -. I hava a severe shellfish/ iocline allergy, is it safe for me to the vaccine? Yes it is. Everyone is !being monitored for 15 minutes after the vaccine to ensure no reaction. • The vaccine only has 4 main co mponents that go into it, so why the aUergic reactions so big? Is it a reaction to the COVID particle that is in it? >VJ1y react ions to differe nt med ici nes that not in it a concern? That is a good question and something to still be

learned. 1have not heard a lot of pGoplG gGtting this allGrgic rGaction . lt is still a vGry small pGrcGntagG lt is mainly if you have a severe reaction to medicine. What age grou p is eligible for the cov id vaccine? Anyone 16 years of age and older. Are you able to mix the clifferent bra.nds ofvaccines? The United States is recommending you to stick with the same brand for both vaccines. Other countries are letting people mix but we are recommending sticking with the same one for both shots. What about pregnant rnothers the receiving vaccine? Great question. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends the vaccine because they put the risk of COVID to the mother and child as worse than the risk of vacc ine. Obviously this d epends on a lot of situations and you should talk to your OB. Healthcare providers are getting the vaccine when pregnant because of their exposure risk. As a young women wanting kids one day, tllere any studies or tr ials that have

affected fertility? 1 have heard this concern and I have no evidence that would suggest it could affect fertility . The code in the mRNA is only for the spike protein in COVID and not for anything on the placenta. lt is a very specific RNA code If you get the vaccine and then ge t COVID what is the protocol? lt would be the same as current. lf you have been vaccinatedl but then test positive tor COVID- you would quarantine tor 10 days from your test. Is there a procedw·e in piaca to follow prior to a·eceiving the vaccine? Nope- the process if pretty simple, the staff at the vaccine site will lead you through the process and get you taken care of. 1 have been through my first vaccine and it was simple. If you hava been vaccinated- It will NOT affect a COVID test, right? lt will not affect the rapid or send out test. lf those tests come back positive, it is because you have COVID. .-----f Can we 0Jll ou t of gelling lhe COVID vaccine now and lhen decide lo gel il laler in lhe

year? The most effective way to get through a pandemic is to get everyone vaccinated as soon as possible and get to 70-80% of people immune to the virus. That will suppress it to where we can get back to normal. The sooner we get there, the sooner we are through this. So the answer on a persona! level you can wait, but on a community level, it is better to get it now. Is them a dealh ra le tied lo the vaccine? There were zero deaths in the vaccine trials. There has already been 3 million vaccines in the US and more around the world and we havent seen any deaths to my knowledge. An emjlloyee also inqu irnd rngarding Calholic roJjgious teaching. With rnganJ lo the Pfi ze r, Mode rna and AstraZm10ca vaccines, th0 Diocese of Fo rt Wayne South Bend issued a sla lemenl on Dec. 14th: "ln view of the gravity of the current pandemic and the lack of availability of alternative vaccines, the reasons to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are sufficiently serious to

justify their use, despite their remote connection to morally compromised cell lines. "Receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccines ought to be understood as an act of charity toward the other members of our community. ln this way, being vaccinated safely against COVID-19 should be considered an act of love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibility tor the common good." With regard to the AstraZeneca vaccine, the bishops found it to be "more morally compromised" and consequently concluded that this vaccine "should be avoided" if there are alternatives available. "lt may turn out, however, that one does not really have a choice ofvaccine, at least, not without a lengthy delay in immunization that may have serious consequences for ones health and the health of others," the bishop chairmen stated. "ln such a case it would be permissible to accept the AstraZeneca vaccine." https:// d iocesefwsb.o rg/u-s-bishop-cha irm

en-for-pro-life-a n d-d octrine-ad d ressethica 1-co nce rns-on-t he-new-covid-19-vacci nes/