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11111 menygabo 2018. november 10.
  Nagyon jó, igazán "izmos" anyag, tele nagyszerű kifejezésekkel, idiómákkal.
11111 polipman 2011. március 30.
  Egyetértek, felsőfokon nélkülözhetetlen.
11111 helgamano27 2011. február 08.
  Kitűnő. A legjobb szókincsfejlesztő anyag.

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ULTIMATE ENGLISH™ www.englishonlinehu Vagyis üdvözlünk mindenkit felsõfokú- illetve felvételi elõkészítõ szókincsfejlesztõ oldalainkon. Az ENGLISHONLINE ezen oldalain megtalálható lesz az ULTIMATE ENGLISH™ c. felsõfokú és felvételi elõkészítõ kézikönyvünk teljes szókincsfejlesztõ anyaga. Miért? Igen, ezt már többen is kérdezték, mikor meghallották ezt: ugyan miért teszi valaki ingyenesen elérhetõvé egy sikeres könyv közel 150 oldalát? Nos, a válasz viszonylag egyszerû, bár látszólag fura: éppen a könyv sikere miatt. Mivel elfogyott az elõzõ kiadás, összegyûjtöttük a könyvet tanító tanárok, illetve a könyvet használó diákok megjegyzéseit, kéréseit az új kiadáshoz. Akik esetleg nem ismernék a könyvet, azoknak elmondjuk; három részbõl áll, 1) felsõfokú nyelvtani összefoglaló feladatokkal 2) tesztbank közel 1000 feladattal 3) szókincsfejlesztõ oldalak, ahol mintegy 1500 kifejezés, szókapcsolat, idióma

tanulható meg. Szóval az új kiadáson gondolkozva, dolgozva arra jutottunk, hogy annyi változtatást, alakítást, bõvítést kell a könyvön elvégezni, hogy egyszerûen nincs helye a szókincsfejlesztõ résznek (vagyis elvileg lenne, de nagyon hosszú lenne tõle a könyv). Ráadásul sokan mondták azt, hogy igazából a nyelvtan és a tesztek miatt vették meg a könyvet, a szókincset csak bónusznak tekintették, nézegették, olvasgatták, tanulgatták stb. Mivel azonban a változtatásokkal jelentõsen bõvül a nyelvtani + a Tesztbank rész, ha megtartottuk volna a szókincset is, az indokolatlanul megdrágította volna a könyvet, ami nem volt célunk. Egy szó mint száz, úgy döntöttünk, hogy a szókincsfejlesztõ részt publikussá tesszük az ENGLISHONLINE-on, valamint letölthetõ lesz WORD formátumban (a HTML-en kívül) is. Õszintén reméljük, hogy sokak örömére fog szolgálni új kezdeményezésünk is, és minél többen, minél többet tanulnak majd

belõle. Most pedig következzék a tartalomjegyzék Fontos, hogy minden fejezet végén megoldásokat is találhattok. Kellemes tanulást kívánnak A Szerzõk CONTENTS Unit 1: MEETING WITH SAM Unit 2: THE LEARNING THING Unit 3. ON BEING SHALLOW Unit 4. THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN AXE Unit 5. A LITERARY ANALYSIS Revision: Units 1-5 Unit 6. WHY I HATE EVERYDAY PEOPLE Unit 7. RICHARD, MY HERO Unit 8. TEACHERS WILL BE TEACHERS! Unit 9. THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES Unit 10. THE GENERATION GAP Revision: Units 6-10 Unit 11. THE SECRET AGENT Unit 12. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN AXE Unit 13. ON BEING HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE Unit 14. POPPING THE QUESTION Unit 15. MY COUSIN IS SO BIG-HEADED Revision: Units 11-15 Unit 16. THE BLACK SHEEP Unit 17. PARTYING Unit 18. THE SUMMER JOB Unit 19. BEING A STAR Unit 20. HEALTH MATTERS Revision: Units 16-20 UNIT 1 MEETING WITH SAM 11th January I have to start the diary on the 11th as nothing even remotely interesting happened in the

first ten days of the year. But today a new era was ushered in with a handshake Today I shook hands with Samuel Blacksmith, the coolest guy in the class. He is well-known, he is in the spotlight for his results in sports, much talked about by everyone; his name is on everyones lips after that magnificent performance at last years athletics championship. He is also well-renowned for his footballing skills. Im sure he will become a celebrated, and even legendary figure in the near future. These days, after the end of the rugby season he is at the height of his fame, and since he has achieved fame as a great sportsman, he simply cant afford to fail in physics. Although he is second to none when it comes to sports and he has made quite a name for himself as the goalkeeper of our football team, having to learn is a major stumbling block in his future career. He has his ups and downs - so to say -, he is often at a loss before school tests and now he is in an awkward situation. The better he

wants to be at sports, the more he has to train; the more he trains, the less time he has to study etc. This is a vicious circle, a real catch22, a no-win situation He has succeeded in passing three exams already but he still has a lot on his plate . He is in a tight spot as the physics test is just around the corner Thats where I come into the picture. Physics poses considerable problems for me, too, it makes my life difficult, and gives me a hard time but I am by far the best at writing crib sheets. Im really thrilled and excited about Sams visit today and I cant help seeing myself as the saviour of the football team. EXERCISES 1. Fill in the sentences with one word or expression from the box in the spotlight; second to none; stumbling block; causing inconvenience; name is on everyones lips; vicious circle; ups and downs; fraught with problems; isnt out of the woods; in a tight spot 1. I would say our business is generally smooth-running but every now and then we have our . just

like everybody else 2. Julie is rather overweight, which makes her depressed and downcast Unfortunately, whenever she is feeling down in the dumps, she tends to eat more, which makes her even less attractive. This is a real . 3. My first year in school was but now I think I can hit it off well with most of the students. 4. Since Mary got that little role in that soap opera she has been All the newspapers are full of her pictures. 5. He had only one week to pay back the moneyto the bank If I hadnt lent him some, I would have put him . 6. I know you have mixed feelings about his academic performance, but you have to agree that as a musician he is . 7. He is a real troublemaker I think there is nothing he enjoys more than to others 8. He might have passed the maths exam but he should know he There are still five tests for him to pass in the next two weeks. 9. She has become famous after the Olympics and her 10. The wedding wont be easy to organise - one may be the bridegrooms

religious convictions. 2. Connect the idioms with their definitions a. If something is uncertain and undecided yet, b. If you are faced up with a difficult situation, c. If you give a short summary of a story, d. If you are downcast and depressed, e. If you do someone a favour, f. If you are having a whale of a time at a party, 1. you tell it in a nutshell 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. you are in a fix. you feel in the dumps. you are in your element. you are in their good books. it is up in the air 3. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one of the idioms in exercise 2 1. The future of the project is still The board of directors will decide on it at tomorrows meeting. 2.Little Johnny was yesterday at the fun-fair He was running around like hell and he wanted to try everything. 3.He has bought me a car and a flat and he has offered me a job at his firm He is definitely . 4. Actually, I have to visit my grandmother, we will have to take our dog to the vet and my son is

having four tests next week. , we wont be able to see you on Sunday 5. He was after his girlfriend married somebody else and didnt even leave his flat for weeks. 6. After my law firm went bankrupt I was as I had to pay back all my debts in a short while. 4. Please pair the idioms in the two columns below Can you find which two pairs have a very similar meaning? a. b. c. d. e. f. dilemma much talked about be in a tight spot a stumbling block put somebody to a lot of trouble not be out of the woods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. have a lot on ones plate be at the height of ones fame a setback give somebody a hard time be in a mess a no-win situation 5. Kindly rewrite the following sentences using the word given You must not change the words given in any way! 1. Paul has no idea at all what to do with his dog while he is on holiday LOSS 2. Jill is generally a kind person but when people try to borrow money from her, she turns into a monster. COMES 3. He is famous for his achievement as an

actor WELL-RENOWNED 4. I shouldnt think that we will have any trouble crossing the border at night POSE 5. He was very wise to end his career just after he had won the Olympics HEIGHT 6. Our new neighbours make life difficult for everybody HARD 7. The future of the company is rather uncertain at the moment AIR 8. I have done all my homework for good old Mr Dowson, so I think he quite likes me now BOOKS 9. His leaving the company slowed down all our projects SETBACK KEY: UNIT 1 Exercise 1 1. ups and downs 2. vicious circle 3. fraught with problems 4. in the spotlight 5. in a tight spot 6. second to none 7. causing inconvenience 8. isnt out of the woods 9. name is n everyones lips 10. stumbling block Exercise 2 A6 B2 C1 D3 E5 F4 Exercise 3 1. up in the air 2. in his element 3. in my good books 4. in a nutshell 5. feeling in the dumps 6. in a fix Exercise 4 A6 B2 C5 D3 E4 F1 Exercise 5 1. Paul is at a loss about what to do with his dog while he is on holiday 2. Jill is

generally a kind person but when it comes to lending money she turns into a monster 3. He is (highly) renowned for being a good actor 4. I shouldnt think that crossing the border at night will pose any problems 5. He was very wise to end his career at the height of his fame 6. Our new neighbours give us a hard time 7. Our plan to visit our friends in Iran this year is still up in the air We dont know whether we will be able to get a visa in time. 8. Ive done all my homework for good old Mr Dowson, so I think Im in his good books now 9. His leaving the company was a setback to all our projects UNIT 2 THE LEARNING THING 12th January So today is the day of the physics test. Ive just found a couple of minutes to jot down a few lines that would capture the atmosphere in the class. Everybody is so tense today. Theres an uneasy silence all over the place All my classmates are on pins and needles, and I have butterflies in my stomach, too. Even Betsy Brains, the brightest girl is edgy.

Why are we always so uptight when the exam time comes? But even stranger: why is Betsy Brains on edge? Doubtless she will pass with flying colours, whereas me and Jeff are just hoping to scrape through somehow. By the way, Ive chosen a new method this time. I chose the good old boring way, that is, Ive tried to familiarise myself with the subject, I memorised countless equations and data and I learned all these things by rote in order to master the pieces of this mystery they call physics. Having learnt at least a hundred names of physicists by heart, I think Ive got the hang of nuclear physics and am able to master everything. Also, I got sick and tired of my parents continual whining "You know nothing about history, son, science is a closed book for you, you are so ignorant you dont have the faintest idea about art, let alone maths." Oh god, the teacher has just entered the room There is no way back now! EXERCISES 1. Find the odd one out 1. He seemed at the meeting

yesterday but we didnt know why A) amazed B) a bundle of nerves C) a nervous wreck D) uptight 2. She is by far the best student in the class This exam cannot be a problem for her she ought to . A) pass with flying colours B) scrape through C) breeze through D) sail through 3. I wish I knew where he is now but I dont have the idea A) faintest B) slightest C) least D) smallest 4. Where is she? A) Its anybodys guess B) Your guess is as good as mine C) Im uninformed, Im afraid. D) How should I know? I lost touch with her a year ago 5. Since I left school, economics is me A) a stranger to B) black magic to C) a closed book for D) a mystery to 2. Please connect the expressions with their meanings (More expressions might mean the same) KNOW A LITTLE ABOUT SG EVERYBODY KNOWS NERVOUS LEARN BY HEART be on pins and needles learn by rote it is an open secret be on edge it is common knowledge have a working knowledge of commit sg to memory have a smattering of be in a state swot 3. The

following sentences contain idioms with either brain(s) or mind Please fill in the blanks with the suitable word. 1. I hate having to start work at 7 Im sure it was Samuels -child, as he simply cant sleep after 5. 2. I dont think you should beat about the bush much longer You are an outspoken person, you always speak your ., so just be yourself and youll succeed 3. I enjoy exotic places but it never crossed my to go camping in Kuala Lumpur 4. As I was walking home yesterday I suddenly had a wave and now I know what Im going to do with my life. 5. I have been racking my for more than two hours but I simply cant remember her phone number. 6. Their child has gone on a biking tour without telling them Im sure they will give her a piece of their . when she comes back 7. I dont have the least idea how to finish this essay, I would like to pick your for a good ending, if you dont mind. 8. I understand that it is very hard to choose between these two boys but youve been sitting on the

fence too long, it is just about time you made up your . 9. He is a very independent young man He has a of his own and I think he has a brilliant future in the business world. 10. Why dont you come with us to see the new Stallone movie? It is so funny it will certainly take your off your problems. 4. Please, rewrite the following sentences using the proper form of the words and expressions given. When he arrived home at long last, his mother gave him a good telling-off. GIVE SY A PIECE OF ONES MIND 2. You just think no one knows about you affair with the boss, but it is actually common knowledge. OPEN SECRET 3. I dont see why you go to football matches, you are so tense when your favourite team is playing. BUNDLE OF NERVES 4. I had no idea what to do in the afternoon, but suddenly I realised I should visit my ex-wife to have a little chat. BRAINWAVE 5. If you want to graduate as a teacher, you must learn all the subjects you intend to teach FAMILIARISE ONESELF WITH 6. It was my

first job interview so I was rather nervous on the way to the company HAVE BUTTERFLIES IN ONES STOMACH 7. I like reading about peoples lives, it is learning all the dates by heart that I cant stand SWOT 8. Come on Jimmy, dont be so spineless When he asks you what you think about his idea tell him bluntly whats on your mind. SPEAK ONES MIND 9. She really is the teachers pet No wonder she wont have a problem passing the end-of-year test. PASS WITH FLYING COLOURS UNIT 2 Exercise 1 1A 2B 3D 4C 5A Exercise 2 Know a little about something: have a working knowledge of sg, have a smattering of sg Everybody knows: its an open secret, it is common knowledge, Nervous: be on edge, be in a state, be on pins and needles Learn by heart: learn by rote, commit sg to memory, swot Exercise 3 1. brain 2. mind 3. mind 4. brain 5. brain(s) 6. mind 7. brain(s) 8. mind 9. mind 10. mind Exercise 4 1. When he arrived home at long last, his mother gave him a piece of her mind 2. You just think no one

knows about your affair with the boss but it is actually an open secret 3. I dont see why you go to football matches; you are always a bundle of nerves during the game 4. I had no idea what to do in the afternoon but suddenly I had a brainwave and I visited my exwife to have a little chat 5. If you want to graduate as a teacher, you must familiarise yourself with all the subjects you intend to teach. 6. It was my first job interview so I had butterflies in my stomach on the way to the company 7. I like reading about peoples lives, it is swotting for the exams that I cant stand 8. Come on Jimmy, dont be so spineless When he asks you what you think about his idea, you should speak your mind. 9. She really is the teachers pet No wonder shell pass the end-of-year test with flying colours. UNIT 3 ON BEING SHALLOW 21st January Today, as I was walking out of the classroom, I overheard my best friend, James Jackson, talking to someone about yesterdays movie. Below is the conversation: It was

a good movie. Why did you like it? Because it was interesting. I was, shaken, taken aback, and stunned. I was speechless with shock when I realised how shallow this conversation was. And the fact that it was James, my best friend who uttered the words above was a bolt from the blue, a cruel awakening for me. Im going to take him out for a drink tomorrow and see what I can do to elaborate his verbal capacity. By the way, today we had the funniest lesson of the semester. There are some kids in the class who always make fun of everything, they tease and mock everybody younger and weaker than them, they are just "pulling their leg" as they say, but in fact they taunt, mock and poke fun at everybody and everything. The older teachers fall victim to their jokes, too For example, old Mrs Simpson, who is a little senile, cant stop them laughing in class. One of them says something and the others burst out laughing, so the class finally dissolves into fits of laughter. The girls

are tittering, some are rolling with laughter, and even the few who try to keep a straight face start giggling when they look at the rest of the class. Actually, these are the funniest lessons. We laugh our heads off Poor Mrs Simpson, her mind is always wandering, she seems a bit confused, Im afraid she is losing her marbles. EXERCISES 1. Choose the one answer that does NOT fit the sentence 1. By the time Suzy finished telling us how she had made the neighbours believe that she was a well-known actress, . A) we were rolling with laughter B) we were shrieking with laughter C) we almost jumped out of our skin D) she had us in hysterics 2. Artists They stare into infinity with a hazy, uncertain look that is so typical of them A) are often lost in thought B) live in a world of their own C) are always daydreaming D) are so far-fetched all the time 3. Mickey is always everybody Dont take him seriously A) teasing B) taunting C) haunting D) poking fun at 4. I bet she was when you

offered to buy her old car for so much A) taken aback B) dazed C) puzzled D) downcast 5. The whole class was When Mrs Simpson appeared in her new outfit the other day A) muttering B) giggling C) tittering D) chuckling 6. The news that she had not been accepted by the committee came as a A) a blow B) a hit C) a shock D) a bolt from the blue 2. The following expressions can be used to say that somebody or something is different from the others. Unfortunately, the words of the expressions are mixed up Find the correct order of the words. 1. Little Johnny is so shy, he fit does in not with the other kids in the class 2. Me and my teacher dont really get on well with each other We in have common nothing and we on not are wavelength same the. 3. I dont see why he keeps on putting on these shabby clothes when he goes to the opera People always stare at him because thumb out sticks a he sore like. 4. We will never be able to work together with Luis worlds are apart just We in our views

concerning the teaching of English. 5. He will never ask her to marry him cheese are They chalk and like 6. step is of She with out her colleagues, she doesnt care about money and promotion 7. This elegant red-haired snob relation no to bears the lovely young woman I knew ten years ago. 8. of a between is There difference world secondary schools in the USA and in Japan 3. Now let us see some words that we often mix up Please guess which one fits into the sentence. a) laugh (countable) - laughter (uncountable) We had a good . when she told us how she had bought that car so cheap There was a lot of . coming from the conference room in the morning It must have been a successful meeting. b) critic (a person who writes reviews) - review (a writing in a paper about a film, play etc.) The . you have written of that play is by far the best that has ever been published in this paper. The new theatre of the village paper speaks highly of the modern production of Romeo and Juliet. c)

camping (an activity) - camp site (a place where there are tents) We enjoy staying in hotels but this year we are going . for a change How far is the nearest ., please? d) morale (state of emotions) - moral (the lesson of sg) - morals (principles) The only problem of the tale is that the . is not easily understood by children The colonel decided to give the soldiers a week off to raise their . My grandfather was a person of strong religious . e) lastly (as the last thing) - at last (finally sg good happens) After days of heavy rainfall, . the sun came out and we could go swimming Why would I not like to go out with Jack? Well, to begin with, he is ugly, he is rude and because he smells. f) enquiry (asking for information) - inquiry (official investigation) We have had a lot of . since the new advertisement came out After the murder, the police made an . g) dissatisfied (not satisfied, unhappy) - unsatisfied (not enough) I told him a hundred idioms in English, but his thirst for

knowledge was still . The soup was cold, the waiter was impolite, we were so we didnt give a tip. h) exhausting (tiring) - exhaustive (thorough) This paper is based on . research carried out by American scientists I have walked 20 miles today, which was rather . i) last (there is no more to come) - latest (newest) His book was a great success with children. Its a pity he died so young His book is so successful he has decided to follow it up with another one on the same topic. j) Unreadable (bad quality)- illegible (bad handwriting) Im sure her essay is a brilliant piece of work. Its a pity her handwriting is Most of these shallow romantic novels are simply . 4. Below is a postcard from a camp written by Jessy James Try to rewrite the card using sophisticated vocabulary. Dear Mum and Dad, The camp is bad. All the girls are joking about me and my accent I was shocked when I realised my teacher is rather old and senile. The others are always laughing in class when she makes a

mistake, they are not interested in learning at all. By the way, my roommates are not kind to me, and Im always very nervous before the lessons. Please take me home immediately. Love, Tom. KEY Exercise 1 1C 2D 3C 4D 5A 6B Exercise 2 1. he does not fit in 2. have nothing in common // we are not on the same wavelength 3. he sticks out like a sore thumb 4. we are worlds apart 5. they are like chalk and cheese 6. she is out of step with 7. bares no relation to 8. there is a world of difference between Exercise 3 a) laugh // laughter b) review // critic c) camping // camp site d) moral // morale // morals e) at last // lastly f) enquiries // inquiries g) unsatisfied // dissatisfied h) exhaustive // exhausting i) last // latest j) illegible // unreadable Exercise 4 A possible solution: Dear Mum and Dad, This camp is horrendous. The girls are taunting me and are poking fun at me for my accent I was taken aback when I realised that the teacher is rather old and she is losing her

marbles. The others are laughing their heads off when she makes a mistake. Theyre not interested in learning at all. My roommates give me a hard time and I have butterflies in my stomach before the lessons. Please take me home immediately. Love, Tom. UNIT 4 THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN AXE 21st January We were asked by our literature teacher to hand in what we considered to be the best essay we had ever written. As I was walking home in the afternoon, I had a sudden brainwave I felt I had to sit down and create. The title of the story is The Girl with the Green Axe Below is the masterpiece: The sun was rising behind the trees and she was awakened by the sounds of the approaching thunderstorm. In the distance clouds became visible, there were some people too, but she could not quite make them out. A good distance away there was something that looked like an old church but it seemed a far-off, distant place. Suddenly she realised she was alone in this remote, isolated forest, which was

miles from anywhere, quite out of the way, in the middle of nowhere. She was standing there, tears were rolling down her face, and she thought about the sleepy backwater she was brought up in; a little secluded village that was out of range and out of reach and where no one could hurt her. All of a sudden, she felt that something or someone was watching her from behind. As she was a delicate, timid young woman of a nervous disposition who scared easily, when that something (or someone) gave out a sound, she panicked, she got a fright. She went as white as a sheet and she nearly jumped out of her skin. That sound seemed the most scary, terrifying, spinechilling and blood-curdling scream she had ever heard When she plucked up the courage to turn around she saw that it was only Jimmy, the milkman from the village. He was frightened, in fact petrified by the girls look. He seemed just as panic-stricken as her, and he was scared stiff as well. They stood there for a while looking at each

other, scared to death Then she spoke: You scared me, you really gave me a fright, you made my hair stand on end, you gave me the creeps! Please dont scare me into doing something I wouldnt want to. Then they both burst out crying. At this point they would go back to the village together. Of course, later on she would kill him (with an axe, obviously) and possibly some other people as well just to complicate matters a bit. Im still not sure whether there should be a happy ending, and if there is one, what it would be. EXERCISES 1. The following words and expressions mean either far or near Please find which is which! NEAR: FAR: out of the way; secluded; in the vicinity; on our doorstep; in the middle of nowhere; within a stones throw from; a good distance away; within easy reach; in our own backyard; a short distance away; just around the corner; close; some distance from; a long way away; 2. Please find the word or expression that does NOT mean the same as the other three 1. He is a

very little boy He sleeps well and never cries at night A) placid B) tranquil C) even-tempered D) naughty 2. He when he heard that his company had gone bankrupt A) kept a cool head B) jumped out of his skin C) didnt seem fazed D) didnt lose his composure 3. The college was strange for him at first, but now he feels A) inhibited B) at ease with the others C) at home there D) laid-back about living there 4. ! Youre only making it more difficult for yourself I think you shouldnt worry so much A) Compose yourself B) Cool down C) Give me the creeps D) Pull yourself together 5. At weekends I sometimes find it difficult to after the long days of work A) take it easy B) unwind C) losen up D) let my hair down 6. My grandmother can at any time A) put people at their ease B) relax people C) make people feel at home D) give people a fright 3. Fill in the following sentences with the name of the animals in the box FISH x2; WOLF x2; DONKEY; BEAVER; CATS; PIGEONS; COWS; CAT 1. He is a

real cold When they told him he had failed the exam, he just sat there pokerfaced and there was no reaction on his face 2. What he earns is just enough to keep the from the door 3. If you hope to see him working properly, you can wait till the come home 4. He is the teachers pet He does all the homework and knows all the answers to all the questions. He is an eager 5. He seemed to be nice when I first met him but he was a in sheeps clothing He later robbed me and stole my car. 6. You cant go out without a raincoat, its raining and dogs 7. Whenever he has to deliver a speech in public he seems a out of water He simply doesnt know what to do. 8. The flat weve just bought is so small there isnt enough room to swing a 9. The boss goes on business trips and leaves us here to do the work 10. She shouldnt have allowed her boyfriend to go to a class full of girls It was like setting the cat among the . 4. The following expressions all contain the words near or far Decide which of

them suits the sentences best. in so far as; far from being; far and wide; few and far between; nearing the end; not anywhere near; in the near future; near to my heart 1. You should not hesitate any more, ask her to marry you, girls of her beauty are 2. Im sure we will be able to discuss the matter 3. Shes already taken five exams, but she is free as she still has three exams to go 4. I was brought up here, so the people of this village are 5. The exam period is , there are only three days left 6. Ive been searching for a woman like her , and now that Ive found her, Ill never let her go. 7. The football game was rather peaceful there were no big fights between the supporters of the two rival teams. 8. He worked for two hours but he was finding the right answer KEY Exercise 1 FAR: out of the way, secluded, in the middle of nowhere, a good distance away, some distance from, a long way away NEAR: in the vicinity, on our doorstep, within a stones throw from, within easy

reach, in our own backyard, a short distance away, just around the corner, close Exercise 2 1D 2B 3A 4C 5C 6D Exercise 3 1. fish 2. wolf 3. cows 4. beaver 5. wolf 6. cats 7. fish 8. cat 9. donkey 10. pigeons Exercise 4 1. few and far between 2. in the near future 3. far from being 4. near to my heart 5. nearing the end 6. far and wide 7. in so far as 8. not anywhere near UNIT 5 A LITERARY ANALYSIS February 2nd Today I checked the effect of my attempts to help James expand his vocabulary. Here is the result: How did you like the book we had to read for today? said I. Well, although the plot of the story was well thought out and the book was simply unputdownable, I felt it was somewhat marred by the absence of charismatic women. The writers handling of the eternal human foibles was outstanding and I suppose he has a bright future ahead of him. He explores the theme of human suffering, and the moments of terrible loneliness and utter joy are central to the understanding of his

art. This poignant and touching story is told in loving, sentimental detail so much so that the most sophisticated readers might be put off by its sentimentality. He makes shrewd observations, his delightfully witty analysis of country people that is coupled with his matchless description of country life appeals to the reader through its unpretentious charm and it gives the piece emotional coherence. Despite its surface wit and lightment , the book points out and explores the painful duality between the rich in the city and their poor relatives in the countryside. Although the author occasionally uses absurdly inflated language to describe mundane things and he obviously delights in creating a panoply of wildly eccentric characters, we cannot help feeling that he struggles to make sense of life and, at the same time, tries to escape the burdens of existence through a super-subtle and highly abstract philosophy. Wow! I see. And how would you sum it up in one sentence? It was

interesting. Still, I consider my attempt a success. EXERCISES 1. In the following exercise there are two reviews of the same film, but unfortunately the positive and the negative expressions have got mixed up. Could you put them in the right places? Ive just seen the film of my life: I was full of high spirits yesterday as I knew I was going to see Missing in Action III in the evening. My friends were thrilled to bits as well, and when we arrived at the cinema, excitement reached fever pitch. We expected a long-winded, action-packed movie and the film didnt come short of our expectations. The tedious beginning of the story sent me to sleep, and as the mystery was gradually unveiled we were bored out of our mind, hardly able to control our emotions. Jackie burst out crying, tears were rolling down her cheeks and I myself was overwhelmed with emotions. How I became bored to tears: Yesterday I went to this featureless, drab cinema with my friends to see Missing in Action III. The

film had hardly started when I felt I was going to be. And I was right! The plot was nailbiting, the dialogues were dramatic, the turgid style of the film kept everyone on the edge of their seats. When I looked at Sam sitting next to me, I could see that he was on tenterhooks, his eyes were glazing over. All in all, I was glad to leave the building and was looking forward to a good cup of tea to relieve the boredom that I had to endure for nearly two hours. 2. In the box below try to find expressions that are used to describe positive, neutral and negative aspects of the book in question. it has taken its honoured place in the heart of the readers the moral of the story is dramatically effective the plot is inconceivable, it is so far-fetched that it is totally beyond belief extraordinary technical virtuosity the depiction of the main character bordered on caricature the withering condemnation of the human race he clearly epitomises it bears a striking similarity to he has

caustic views of the human race it exerted a profound influence on he is a natural his incredibly fertile imagination he keeps his readers eyes glued to the pages 3. Match the words with negative prefixes on the left with their meanings a. inadvertently b. inarticulate c. imprudent d. incommensurate e. indefinable f. indisputable g. inevitable h. inhospitable i. irremediable j. irreverent k. undisguised l. undisciplined 1. cannot be defined 2. cannot be corrected 3. cannot be denied 4. not done deliberately 5. not in proportion to sg 6. not welcoming 7. showing no discipline 8. showing no respect 9. cannot be avoided 10. not wise or sensible 11. not hidden 12. not able to express ideas clearly 4. Complete the following sentences with one of the words in exercise 3 a) He might be difficult to work with, but his knowledge of marketing is . b) It was really of him not to let you sleep at his place for at least one night. c) My feelings towards him are . In a nutshell, we have a

love-hate relationship d) He is an . student, who looks down on everybody including his professors e) How come he is here? They . sent him an invitation f) The final speech of the defence lawyer was quite . , no wonder theyve lost the case. g) Her secret affair with the boss was actually . Everybody knew about it h) It looks . that well have to buy this series of encyclopaedias for the school i) It was quite . of Jim to travel abroad without finding work and accommodation j) Now I know that sending him away was an . mistake Nobody can do this job as efficiently as he could. k) Dont you feel that this job is . with your interest and abilities? I dont think youll be able to cope with it in the long run. l) Every teacher was afraid to enter our classroom as we were considered to be the most . children in the school 5. Rephrase the sentences using one of the idioms below before we knew where we were; know it backwards; you know it as well as I do; know which side your bread is

buttered; know a thing or two; dont know the first thing about; theres no knowing; I didnt know which way to look 1. He has learnt the whole book by heart 2. He has already robbed a bank, mugged three people and we have no idea what he will do next 3. When she started dancing in the street, I got very embarrassed 4. Im afraid I dont know anything about poetry 5. Dont worry about him, he knows what to do to gain some money on the business 6. It is no use talking about this any longer We are both aware that theres nothing to be done now. Its too late 7. He ran away so quickly we didnt even realise 8. Shes been teaching in high schools for two years so she should know high school students quite well. KEY Exercise 1 Ive just seen the film of my life I was full of high spirits yesterday as I knew I was going to see Missing in Action in the evening. My friends were thrilled to bits as well and when we arrived at the cinema, excitement reached fever pitch. We expected an action-packed,

nailbiting movie and the film did not come short of our expectation. The dramatic beginning of the story kept everyone on the edge of their seats, and as the mystery was gradually unveiled we were on tenterhooks, hardly able to control our emotions. Jackie burst out crying, tears were rolling down her cheeks and I myself was overwhelmed by emotions. How I became bored to tears Yesterday I went to this featureless, drab cinema with my friends to see Missing in Action. Hardly had the film started when I felt I was going to be bored out of my mind. And I was right! The plot was tedious, the dialogues were long-winded, the turgid style of the film sent me to sleep after the first ten minutes. When I looked at Sam sitting next to me, I could see that his eyes were glazing over, too. All in all, I was glad to leave the building and was looking forward to a good cup of tea to relieve the boredom that I had to endure for nearly two hours. Exercise 2 POSITIVE: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

NEUTRAL: 3, 5, 6, NEGATIVE: 7, 8, Exercise 3 A4 B12 C10 D5 E1 F3 G9 H6 I2 J8 K11 L7 Exercise 4 indisputable inhospitable indefinable irreverent inadvertently inarticulate undisguised inevitable imprudent irremediable incommensurate undisciplined Exercise 5 1. He knows the whole book backwards 2. He has already robbed a bank, mugged three people and there is no knowing what he will do next. 3. When she started dancing in the street I didnt know which way to look 4. Im afraid I dont know the first thing about poetry 5. Dont worry about him He knows which side of the bread is buttered 6. Its no use talking about this any longer You know it as well as I do that there is nothing to be done now, its too late. 7. He ran away before we knew where we were 8. Shes been teaching in high schools for years, so Im sure she know a thing or two about high school students. REVISION: UNITS 1-5 1. In the following sentence pairs either A or B, or both or neither are correct Write A if only A is

correct, B if only B, C if both and D if neither of the sentences are correct. 1. A) She was a girl who scared easily B) She was a girl who got scared easily. 2. A) I was so happy to see her that I nearly jumped out of my skin B) I was so angry that my hair stood on end. 3. A) His name was on everybodys mouth after he hosted a popular TV show B) He made quite a name for himself by hosting a popular TV show. 4. A) That our car was stolen was a real shock B) That our car was stolen was a real shocker. 5. A) I heard loud laugh from the neighbouring flat B) I heard a loud laughter from the neighbouring flat. 6. A) As a marketing manager she is second to none B) She is a second to none marketing manager. 7. A) She borrowed my car last week and hasnt returned it yet With this, she put me into a lot of trouble. B) She borrowed my car last week and hasnt returned it yet. With this, she caused a lot of inconvenience. 8. A) Little Michael is a headache He cant sit still for longer than two

minutes B) Little Michael causes his teacher headache. He simply cannot sit still 9. A) Ive done my language exam, but Im not out of the forest yet, as the entrance exam is due next week. B) No, Im not going to lend you any more money. I know you are in mess, but you have to look for a job instead of borrowing money from your friends. 10. A) It is a common knowledge that the Prime Minister has extramarital affairs B) There is an open secret that the Prime Minister has a lover. 2. Fill in the gaps with one of the expressions of the previous units The first letters are given to help you. 1. I am nervous: I h b in m s 2. Something difficult to solve: a n -w s 3. A well-known singer: w - r as a singer 4. They are very different: they are w a 5. Memorise: l by r 6. Excited: on t 7. Surprised: d 8. She is lost in thought: her m is w 9. Far away: r 10.

The middle of nowhere: s b 11. Finally feel strong enough to do or say something: p up the c 12. Frightening: s -c 13. Frightened: p 14. It cannot be read because it is such bad quality: u 15. It is uncertain and undecided: u in the a 16. Depressed: in t d 17. Frighten somebody: g somebody a f 18. She is in a romantic mood: she is o with e 19. He doesnt worry, he is relaxed: l -b 20. She was so bored it clearly showed on her face: her e were g o 3. Please rewrite the sentences using the words that are given Remember that you cant change the words that are given in any way. 1. When Alain stood up in the middle of the performance and started calling the actor names I got very embarrassed. LOOK 2. You cannot deny that I was right INDISPUTABLE 3. Dont you think that the style of this new writer is like

Margaret Mitchells? SIMILARITY 4. Yes, I agree But whatever her style, she makes the readers read the book from cover to cover. GLUED 5. He might not be the most well-renowned painter but I love his art NEAR 6. There was very heavy rainfall yesterday, thats why I couldnt visit you DOGS 7. Why dont you go to the city library if you need those special books? It is nearby and the librarians are very kind. THROW 8. How can Jude live with a man who is thirty years younger than her? They cant have anything in common. APART 9. Do you know when shell be back? I have no idea GUESS 10. We had an awful lot of problems during our package holiday in Greece The bus broke down, the hotel was full and we had to share our room with other people. FRAUGHT KEY: Exercise 1 1C 2D 3B 4C 5D 6A 7C 8A 9B 10D Exercise 2 1. have butterflies in my stomach 2. a no-win situation 3. renowned as a singer 4. worlds apart 5. learn by rote 6. on tenterhooks 7. dazed 8. her mind is wandering 9. remote 10. sleepy

backwater 11. pluck up the courage 12. spine-chilling 13. petrified 14. unreadable 15. up in the air 16. in the dumps 17. give somebody a fright 18. overwhelmed by emotions 19. laid-back 20. her eyes were glazing over Exercise 3. 1. When Alain stood up in the middle of the performance and started calling the actor names I didnt know where to look. 2. It is indisputable that I was right 3. Dont you think that the style of this new writer bears a striking similarity to that of Margaret Mitchell? 4. Yes, I agree But whatever her style, she keeps the eyes of the reader glued to the pages 5. He might not be the most highly renowned painter but he is near to my heart 6. It was raining cats and dogs yesterday, thats why I couldnt visit you 7. Why dont you go to the city library if you need these special books It is within a stones throw and the librarians are very kind. 8. How can Jude live with a man who is thirty years younger than her They are worlds apart 9. Do you know when shell be

back? Your guess is as good as mine 10. Our package tour in Greece was fraught with problems The bus broke down, the hotel was full and we had to share our room with other people. UNIT 6 WHY I HATE EVERYDAY PEOPLE Im so depressed! Why? Because of the people around me. They are so normal, so ordinary and average. They have their standard answers to every question, a routine job, day to day problems, they read only mainstream books, they speak everyday language. Look at my parents, I mean this ordinary house, their banal conversations, bland stories about nondescript people, they are what we call the man in the street, the general public, the so-called ordinary people. Of course, I know they are law abiding, dutiful, obedient and disciplined citizens, which of course means that they conform to the rules and they toe the line. If anyone tells them that they are outdated, they live in the past and they are anachronisms they take offence because they take it personally. They are so

easily hurt, so touchy and sensitive you wonder whether they understand the things happening around them. Look at my parents, for instance. They dont seem to notice the passage of time, they dont feel that it is ticking away, it flies by, they are stuck in the old days, in their traditions (heritage, as they call it), their customs and folklore, and are unable to break with the past and be open to new thoughts and ideas. They dont see that the way to independence is not living with ones parents. Hard as I try to convince them, I cant make them come round to my way of thinking and buy me a nice little flat somewhere near my school. EXERCISES 1. Please, choose one word or expression from the box that would best complete the sentence a bundle of nerves; make do; flying colours; get to the bottom; blood-curdling; have a smattering; take offence; heritage; a piece of your mind; law-abiding; 1. The blond-haired womans whisper made his hair stood on end Her face was the most . sight he had

ever seen 2. All he said was that he wanted to leave me, so I decided to of it and we talked all night. 3. I am afraid you cant see Carla now She is taking her driving test tomorrow so she is . 4. I think it was most impolite of him to leave you at the party like that You should put your foot down and give him . 5. She was being very mean all morning, but I only when she criticised my cooking 6. I have heard that they are going to pull down the English Parliament to build a huge fast food restaurant. I am not sure it would be a wise decision as the Parliament is a part of our national . 7. Had John made serious efforts at the language exam hed have passed with 8. We dont have any good coffee, Im afraid well have to with coffein-free coffee 9. His French is impeccable, Ill give you that, but he only of German 10. Knowing his past it is hard to believe that he has become a citizen 2. Again, here are some words that we often mix up Kindly decide which of the two words suits the

sentence best. a) outdoor (adjective) - outdoors (outside, place) The weather was so nice, we told the children to play . Gardening is a popular . activity in the countryside b) notable (respectable) - noticeable (can be noticed) George Bernard Shaw was one of the most . playwrights of his age Her development in speaking was after only a few lessons. c) economic (of economy)- economical (saving money) Since they have had a new . gas-heater installed has noticeably decreased Strange as it may sound, the country has no . problems whatsoever d)childish (like a child, negative) - childlike (like a child, positive) You are being so . again Stop playing with the managing directors tie What I liked about him was his . face e) conscience (a feeling of right and wrong) - consciousness (being aware of things) Whenever I look back on how I treated him while we were married, I always have a bad . She regained her a few days after the crash. f) uninterested (not interested) - disinterested

(not biased) I think Joseph would make a perfect judge in this case as he is . When I told them how much good it would do them to take part in an acting course, they seemed totally . g) sensitive (showing understanding and empathy) - sensible (reasonable) He is such a . child Whenever she sees a stranger she starts crying Why on earth did you invest all your money in that risky business. You know I thought you were much more . h) control (be in charge of sg) - check (see if its correct) He decided to leave his parents and . his own life We were taken aback when the police stopped us and wanted to . our passports i) custom (of a nation) - habit (of a person) I cant give up smoking, although I know it is a horrible . Painting eggs at Easter is still a very much existing . all over the world 3. A very important aspect of successful writing is the correct use of fillers and linking words Kindly fill in the blanks with one linking words in the box. of the opinion; furthermore; contrary

to; things considered; when it comes to; the least; foremost; appearances (1). talking about contemporary literature and the future prospects of arts, it seems quite natural to mention The Girl with the Green Axe by the hero. There are several reasons why this book will certainly catch fire with the reading public. First and (2), the author employs the devices of rhetoric to great effect in his work. Secondly, the book proves that, (3).popular belief, love, sentimentality and true emotions do have a place in this era of alienation and disintegration of society. The main character of the story cannot fit in with her community, to say (4). Im (5)that her tragedy is deeply rooted in the personal history of the author, who, against all (6)., is trying prove the significance of the family in our life (7)., it becomes clear from the novel that the writer places feeling above thinking, a rare quality in todays literature. All (8), this is a book I can wholeheartedly recommend to readers of

all ages and interest. 4. Please pair the definitions on the left with the expressions with take on the right a) b) c) d) e) f) begin to come true, realise support and protect someone deceive choose be hurt doing something without knowing the outcome g) accept the difficulties TAKE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. your pick something personally pot luck shape the rough with the smooth someone under ones wing someone for a ride 5. Put one of the expressions in exercise 4 in each gap When we started out on our journey we had no idea whether we would have a place to stay so we were (1) . A couple of days before we had looked at a guide book that listed all the major cities in the country and we (2) . A week later were travelling on a train and our plan for the following week was just beginning to (3). when we happened to meet a charming old lady who (4). She invited us to her house, she offered to cook for us and so on Of course, we were certain that she couldnt be serious and thought she

wanted to (5). When we hinted at this, she (6). our remarks , and said she had never met such heartless and impolite people before. I became so embarrassed that I blushed and hoped a hole would open up in the floor and swallow me. In the end, we had to sleep on a bench at the train station but we didnt really mind because we know we have to (7) . KEY Exercise 1 1. blood-curdling 2. get to the bottom 3. a bundle of nerves 4. a piece of your mind 5. took offence 6. heritage 7. flying colours 8. make do 9. has a smattering 10. law-abiding Exercise 2 outdoors // outdoor notable // noticeable economical // economic childish // childlike conscience // consciousness disinterested // uninterested sensitive // sensible control // check habit // custom Exercise 3 1. When it comes to 2. foremost 3. contrary to 4. the least 5. of the opinion 6. appearances 7. furthermore 8. things considered Exercise 4 A4 B6 C7 D1 E2 F3 G5 Exercise 5 1. taking pot luck 2. took our pick 3. take shape 4.

took us under her wing 5. take us for a ride 6. took personally 7. take the rough with the smooth UNIT 7 RICHARD, MY HERO Tomorrow we are going to talk about Richard III at the literature class. Well, I think I managed to grasp the central theme in the play. Richard is really a decent, virtuous, noble man, a respectable, upright and ethical person. His character is definitely beyond reproach He is the salt of the earth. He has a remarkable sense of whats right and wrong, he is living with a clear conscience, with no scruples and according to very strict principles. Well, I know he did in fact kill a couple of people, but I would say these self-righteous, sanctimonious people with their holier-than-thou attitude really asked for it. I have decided to share this deep insight with my fellows tomorrow. EXERCISES 1. Which of the following word or expressions are negative and positive? smug tolerant self-righteous impressionable upright decent infatuated uptight easily-led exultant

blissful edgy be swept off your feet gleeful contented broad-minded Each word in the exercise above has its pair with a similar meaning. Can you find the nine synonym pairs? 2. Replace each word or phrase underlined with a suitable word from the box ineffectual; poignant; self-indulgent; exhilarating; inscrutable; secluded; inquisitive; scatterbrained; 1. The only thing I cant stand about your granny is that she is the most curious person I have ever met. 2. He has a memory like a sieve, he is very forgetful 3. He lived in a far-off place somewhere in the mountains all his childhood 4. I find his stories and adventures about very exciting 5. When they managed to save the young boys life, his reunion with his mother was the most moving 6. scene I had ever witnessed 7. She denied herself nothing while she stayed in Spain I think she led a most hedonistic life 8. Im sure the director is leading the company in a most inefficient way 9. He was looking at us with that blank look that is so

typical of him and that we all hate so much 3. Match the beginnings of the idioms with the correct endings a. He cant stop talking about himself, he is always blowing his own b. He does everything the teacher tells him (and even more) He is an eager c. When I told my father I had crashed his Rover he hit d. I hate meeting my ex-husband Although we lived together for 12 years when we meet he always gives me e. He refused to take the job in that big office, he doesnt want to work with anyone He is a lone f. He is so optimistic he always looks on g. He said I could have a share of the profit, but he disappeared with my money Now I know he has led me up h. When I told dad I got a bad mark at school, he just flew off 1. the bright side of life 2. wolf 3. trumpet 4. the cold shoulder 5. beaver 6. the handle 7. the garden path 8. the roof 4. Please rewrite the following sentences using the words Remember that you shouldnt change the words that are given in any way. 1. When I first met

her at that party I knew she was going to be my wife, it was love at first sight. SWEPT 2. When I entered the room Jonathan was very unfriendly and seemed to ignore me SHOULDER 3. My son, it is just about time you learned to accept the negative side of life as well ROUGH 4. Whatever the papers say, Im convinced he is a virtuous, respectable person BEYOND 5. Sam is a strange little fellow He never goes out and he never talks to anyone WOLF 6. I dont really understand her Whenever we dont see eye to eye over something, she gets angry very quickly. FLIES 7. Uncle Arthur is a most decent man He loves his wife and his children very much SALT 8. He just mentioned he would like to quit his job, but I sat him down and tried to understand the reasons for it. BOTTOM 9. He is a quite nice fellow, the only problem with him is that he simply cant stop talking about how successful he is. TRUMPET 10. What I really like about him is his positive attitude to life whatever hardship he has to endure.

BRIGHT KEY Exercises 1 NEGATIVE: smug - self-righteous; impressionable - easily-led; uptight - edgy; exultant - gleeful; POSITIVE: tolerant - broad-minded; decent - upright; infatuated - be swept off your feet; blissful - contented; Exercise 2 1. inquisitive 2. scatterbrained 3. secluded 4. exhilarating 5. poignant 6. self-indulgent 7. ineffectual 8. inscrutable Exercise 3 A3 B5 C8 D4 E2 F1 G7 H6 Exercise 4 1. When I first met her at that party I knew she was going to be my wife, I was swept off my feet. 2. When I entered the room, Jonathan was very unfriendly and gave me the cold shoulder 3. My son, it is just about time you learnt to take the rough with the smooth 4. Whatever the papers say, Im convinced that his character is beyond reproach 5. Sam is a lone wolf He never goes out and he never talks to anyone 6. I dont really understand her Whenever dont see eye to eye over something, she flies off the handle very quickly. 7. Uncle Arthur is the salt of the earth 8. He

just mentioned he would like to quit his job, but I sat him down and tried to get to the bottom of it. 9. He is quite a nice fellow, the only problem with him is that he is always blowing his own trumpet. 10. What I really like about him is that he always looks on the bright side of life whatever hardship he has to endure. UNIT 8 TEACHERS WILL BE TEACHERS! The teacher was angry with me today when I told her my wonderful ideas about the play. She said the whole essay was out of place because I had disregarded and ignored the fact that Richard III was a cruel, merciless murderer. She also claimed that I took no notice of the deep hatred and villainy and her explanation of Shakespeares work fell on deaf ears. I, however, think she overlooked and underestimated the significance of a horse in the play, she simply shut her eyes to the most obvious facts and buried her hand in the sand. She even turned a blind eye to the wonderful remark Richard was the most loving husband in English

literary history. She pretended not to hear what I was trying to say, she looked through me and when I tried to raise my voice, she cut me dead, she shut me out. Well, she trampled over me, but Im going to tell her once that I wont let her ride roughshod over students. Ive been put off literature by my teachers remarks so Im going to turn to science. Its incredible what a lot of things originate from Britain. I myself have dreamt up, developed, and created several wonderful machines. I am the proud inventor, originator, creator, and the father of the following brilliant idea: I designed a device that would turn eggs inside out while they are boiled. Besides, Ive also conceived the idea of a wonderful new TV show that would throw new light on the relationship between Man and Yolk! I only wish people were a bit more receptive to these wonderful ideas! EXERCISES 1. Find the mistakes in the following sentences There is one in each 1. She spends a lot of money on clothes, then she becomes

distressed and has to go shopping again to cheer herself up a bit. Its all a vicious cycle 2. Dont you think you should try to losen up a bit after this championship You know you had better unwind before training hard again. 3. After the date with that beautiful blonde woman Sam was in high spirit 4. As the plane was taking off, he suddenly realised that she wouldnt see him for a whole year and tears started to flow down her face. 5. Children today are disinterested in good old historical movies All they want is action-packed, nailbiting thrillers. 6. Have you seen Alain lately? Imagine, he has given up his awful custom of coming too close to people. Someone must have talked to him about it 7. The economical situation of Turkey seems hopeless after this disastrous earthquake 8. Do you still have a bad conscious that you sent Nick to boarding school at the age of 5? 9. The trip to the top of the mountain took five hours and was very exhaustive 10. After walking four miles, we found

a nice little camping in the middle of the forest 2. In the following sentences out of the four possible answers ONE is INCORRECT Your task is to find this incorrect answer. 1. Im angry your key again A) to hear that youve lost B) that youve lost C) about that youve lost D) with you about losing 2. A) Its awful being left alone at night B) Its awful to be left alone at night. C) I know I was awful to say such things to her. Its awful that he always interrupt like that. 3. Its essential everything before we leave tonight A) to discuss B) discussing C) that he tell us D) that he tells 4. selfish people A) Its best to avoid B) Its best that you avoid C) You are best avoiding D) It best avoiding 5. home alone late at night A) It was careless that she walked B) She was careless to walk C) It was careless of her to walk D) It was careless walking home 6. A) Its dangerous to hitch-hike nowadays B) It was dangerous that you hitch-hiked yesterday. C) Its dangerous hitch-hiking nowadays. D)

Hitch-hiking is dangerous. 7. A) Im easy to persuade B) Its easy to persuade me. C) Its easy persuading me. D) Its easy that you should persuade me. 8. Its funny with that accent A) when he speaks B) to speak C) that he speak D) that he should speak 9. A) I was interested to hear that she finally made up her mind to look for a job B) She gave me an interested look when I told her about my plans. C) Youll be interested in knowing everything about her, wont you? D) I am interested in how children make friends. 10. me the way A) She was helpful showing B) It was helpful of her to show C) It was helpful that she showed D) She was helpful to show 3. Complete each sentence with one of the expressions given in the box out of place; out of the woods; out of the question; out of sorts; out of the ordinary; out of touch; out of character; out of order; out of work; out of breath; 1. I dont know anything about her Actually, weve been for more than a year 12. I would say his remark about

the managing director of the company was rather 3. At long last, he managed to pay back the money he owed the Mafia, so now he is 4. There is no way Im going to do your homework again Thats 5. I dont know whats wrong with me today I fell a bit 6. His first paintings were nothing But later his style caught fire with the public 7. Borrowing money and not paying it back is not for Dylan He has done it several times and this time will be no different. 8. Ive been running for two hours to get here on time so Im rather now 9. You cant use the elevator now, its 10. Poor Fred has been for half a year and now he has little chance of finding a new job 4. Complete the following conversation using one of the fillers in the box before; as far as; admit; reckon; frank; good company; on earth; indeed; put it; incidentally; What (1) are you doing here, Johnny? I thought you went to a conference or something like that. Well, how shall I (2) Jeff - I was bored stiff and I decided to

leave early. Oh, did you? Yes, I did Jeff. I must (3 ) Im rather shocked. You were the last person I expected to meet tonight (4) I can judge, you are rather worn out. Would you care for a drink? To be (5) , Im no less surprised. Youll find ice in the fridge (6) , do you have any idea where my wife could be? Well, actually, I (7) she is in the bathroom. Oh, how nice! I think I had better greet her. Do excuse me I think I had better make a move now. Its rather late Yes, it is very late (8) . Time flies in (9) , doesnt it? See you tomorrow, Johnny. Good night, Jeff. Oh, (10) I forget, would you put my pyjamas on the bed before you leave, I might be needing them myself tonight. KEY Exercise 1 1. a vicious circle 2. loosen up 3. in high spirits 4. tears started to roll down her face 5. uninterested 6. his awful habit 7. economic 8. have a bad conscience 9. exhausting 10. camp site Exercise 2 1C 2D 3B 4C 5A 6B 7D 8C 9C 10A Exercise 3 1. out of touch 2. out of place 3.

out of the woods 4. out of the question 5. out of sorts 6. out of the ordinary 7. out of character 8. out of breath 9. out of order 10. out of work Exercise 4 1. on earth 2. put it 3. admit 4. as far as 5. frank 6. incidentally 7. reckon 8. indeed 9. good company 10. before UNIT 9 THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES The more I read, the more Im confronted with what they call the Battle of the Sexes. Quite frankly, it seems one of the most important things adults indulge in. This means, of course, that I had better prepare myself for the battles to come and gather some ideas and arguments that will be handy when on the battlefield. Just to be on the safe side, Ive decided to collect the arguments women may use as well (you know; know thy foe!!). Thus, below is a collection of weapons we might need: THE WOMANS SIDE: He is not at all kind, by no means considerate and not the slightest bit interested in anything Im trying to say. He says he cares for his family but it is not even remotely true

Whenever I have a problem (like an argument at the hairdressers), I would need a sympathetic, compassionate husband whose heart is in the right place and who is there when I need a shoulder to cry on. Needless to say, he is in no way understanding and caring and he is never at home when the family needs him. THE MANS SIDE: Its easy for her to speak like that. All her complaints about me not being kind-hearted and thoughtful. You see, I have to work!! She has nothing to do, she is just twiddling her thumbs, just hanging around all day vegetating. You see the problem is that she is at a loose end as to what to do, and she cant be bothered to do anything apart from the household chores. Without me, she would have to learn to deny herself the luxury of shopping for clothes every day and she would have to do without the daily visit to the hairdressers. THE WOMAN: I think the first and biggest mistake was to say yes when he proposed to me. I was afraid of becoming a spinster, he got tired of

being a bachelor and we got engaged on a cold winter day. Soon after that we set the day and became man and wife within two weeks Now I know him like the back of my hand and I know it was a mistake, but its too late. Ive learned my lesson and I know perfectly well that it would have been much wiser to stay unmarried. I had to learn the hard way that being a spouse is not always a dream come true. THE MAN: The real problem is that she has a one-track mind. She is obsessed with herself, she has a thing about going out every night. I think its fair to say that she has an unhealthy interest in art and she cant get going to all the exhibitions out of her mind. She says Im disturbed, mentally ill but it is she who had a nervous breakdown and who was about to crack up THE WOMAN:: You should have seen him when we got married, he was so humble, self-effacing, he seemed unpretentious and even too modest at times. His modesty seemed to border on humility. He put himself down, underestimated

himself and when he changed jobs I had to support him and tell him not to sell himself short as there is a limit to everything, even modesty! Now you should see this unassuming, humble person slip away in the evening. When he tries to sneak off to the nearest pub, he is so loud you would think a dozen angry women have stormed out of the flat. THE MAN:You see, she , she takes advantage of my caring personality, she exploits me financially, and she even tries to manipulate me. I feel as if I am a puppet, a pawn and Im putty in her hands. She pretends to be the ideal wife, she tries to keep up the appearance of taking care of the household, she poses as the victim of our society and she makes herself out to be the most caring wife in the world. Let me tell you, all this is just pretence and make believe She is a hypocrite, and she is so insincere when she impersonates the Wife. EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks with one suitable word I know you only have a few minutes so Im going to tell

you the horrible story of my marriage in a few words .The real problem is that me and my husband are so different, were like and cheese. Really, we have nothing in , and sometimes his boring stories send me to Still, at the beginning of our relationship we had a . of a time together, I was with laughter when he looked at me with his large, apologetic eyes. I thought his character was beyond , he was the . of the earth, but later it turned out that he was a wolf in clothing He is oversensitive, whatever I say he takes . very easily, and although I was so happy when he popped the question I was over the moon, now the mere prospect of having to be with him gives me the . He flies off the so easily, and I simply cant avoid him as in our flat there isnt enough room to swing a . I feel he controls my life, Im in his hands so I have no alternatives but to leave him and start a new life. Im lucky because I have a working knowledge of computers and a of English, so in all probability,

Ill get a job as a secretary or something like that. 2. Kindly finish the unfinished sentences below If you are sympathetic, A bachelor is a man who . If you are at a loose end, . When you are putty in someones hand, A hypocrite is a person that . If somebody cracks up, he . When your friend flounces out of the room, s/he . A self-effacing person is one who . If someone has a one-track mind, his/her If you sell yourself short, . 3. Below there are some further bullets for the intellectual battle against the loved ones Who do you think are saying these? Try to think of suitable responses based on the reading above (and your own experience). Example: - You are so stubborn, if you set your mind on doing something, there is no way he can be dissuaded, he will stop at nothing. - Of course you mean Im a strong-willed, uncompromising person who has achieved everything in his life through? perseverance and willpower and I think you are right! If I were on my deathbed, cut off in my

prime, you wouldnt even notice it, you would be so busy fixing up deals and going to meetings. . As for child-rearing, we will never be of the same opinion, as I will never subscribe to the point of view that children should be allowed to watch late night movies. You are too lenient, or liberal, as you would say, so permissive the kids will never respect you. You tend to mix up over-indulgence and permissiveness with tolerance and broad-mindedness. . The problem with you is that you are convinced you are the most ravishing, strikingly attractive woman that has ever lived on earth. . I bought this wonderful house, we had scenic journeys in the area, we used to contemplate the beauty of this picturesque, magnificent countryside. . The money you earn is hardly enough to eke out an existence, you are always showing off to your friends, you pretend to be a well-heeled high-flyer, everybody thinks we are loaded, we are stinking rich, but I know only too well that we have no money to

burn, and we are happy if we can make ends meet on the salary you get. . 4. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the expressions with sit or stand in the box. sit on the fence; sit in judgement over; sit around; sit back; sit through; make ones hair stand on end; stand by her promise; take a firm stand on 1. All the students supported the school director when he the question of school uniforms 2. She was my best friend ever Whatever she said, she always 3. His outrageous remarks concerning women 4. He himself committed several offences but he enjoyed others who did the same 5. He my lecture but I could see he could hardly wait for me to finish 6. He was offered three excellent jobs and he was for weeks before he decided to take one 7. As the exam was much easier than we had previously thought, we and started chatting after 20 minutes. 8. He had been doing nothing for weeks before he started looking for work KEY Exercise 1 chalk common sleep

whale rolling/shrieking/ reproach salt sheeps offence creeps handle cat putty smattering Exercise 2 you feel sorry for sy has never married you dont work, you are just hanging around you are in their control pretends to believe in things that s/he does not really believe in s/he goes crazy leaves hurriedly is humble thoughts are concentrated on one thing you dont get the respect you deserve Exercise 4 1. took a firm stand on 2. stood by her promise 3. made/make my hair stand on end 4. sitting in judgement over 5. sat through 6. sitting on the fence 7. sat back 8. sitting around UNIT 10 THE GENERATION GAP I thought today was a fine time to bring up the topic of a flat (or house) of my own to my father. When we talked, I had to wake up to the very sad fact that my parents do not want and simply cannot understand me. They dont see why it is important to be self-reliant and liberated, they have a very negative, prejudiced, biased and high-handed opinion about everything young people

do. When I am trying to look after myself and do my own thing, they claim I am easily-led and impressionable. I think, however, that it is essential for the youth of this age and time to have a mind of their own, and to fend for themselves. It is the older generations that are intolerant, bigoted, and narrow-minded. Intolerance is the key word for these people (I think its because theyre very envious of us.) Down with them!! Down with their unjust, one-sided, slanted views on the world, on war and on safe sex!! I think I got a little bit carried away. I had better stop now before I start to take myself seriously. EXERCISES 1. Choose the ONE WRONG response in the following sentences 1. I people who are self-sufficient and are able to take care of themselves A) have a high opinion of B) respect C) think highly of D) look up at 2. Ive always wanted to be independent and A) stand on both legs B) stand on my own two feet C) be able to do my own thing D) self-reliant 3. He is

well-known for his extreme views and the people in the neighbourhood frown upon his behaviour B) dont go along with him C) think bad of him D) have a low opinion of him 4. The only thing I dont like in this country is that the law system is A) biased B) unfairly C) discriminatory D) heavily weighted against the poor 5. He is not at all aggressive but he is and his friends make him do things he wouldnt want to. A) influencable B) impressionable C) easily-led D) a soft touch 2. Write one of the following colours into the gaps, please black 2x blue 3x green 2x red 2x a) His fathers sudden death came as a bolt from the . b) My mother has always had . fingers, but since theyve lived in the countryside she especially loves gardening. c) When I told her I knew she was lying she turned as as a beetroot. d) Whenever she thought of her sisters fame and success she was . with envy e) As I stepped in the office, the boss gave me a . look and I knew I had done something wrong again. f) I

am afraid I cant give you any money, your account is in the . and I am sure you are aware that it has to be in the . g) I explained to him what I wanted till I was . in the face, but he would do the opposite h) Sam has always been the -eyed boy of the class, he can do anything and get away with it. 3. The following idioms are in connection with good or bad behaviour Unfortunately the words of the expressions have been mixed up. Kindly find the correct order of the words a) After he came out of prison he decided to new turn leaf over a and look for a job. b) I was surprised to see that all the children were behaviour their best on at the excursion. c) I could tell by the look on her face that she was up good no to. d) I am sure your wife will take you back if youve ways your mended. e) Whatever she says you should salt a it take with pinch of, she always promises more than she can do. f) Her words, if we value at them face take, mean that she is coming soon. g) He had better clean his

keep nose if he wants to get a proper job. 4. Complete the following sentences with one of the words or expressions from the box prior to; preceding; aforementioned; from the outset; the dawn of; forerunner; the eve of; preliminary; ahead of his time 1. As the speaker has already emphasised, we are in need of your help 2. At the French revolution a lot people were enthusiastic about the changes in society, many of whom became disappointed later. 3. We know now that Galileo was in his views about the universe 4. All the points come into being if and only if both sides have a firm financial background. 5. Our party has fought for the development of our economy 6. The Prime Minister resigned just the elections 7. On the 1848 revolution the whole of Europe felt something in the air 8. At the session of the conference, the organisers stressed the importance of more research in the field. 9. In a way Blake can be regarded as the of romantic poetry 5. Please rewrite the

following sentences with the given words (Dont change the word in any way.) a. I had to realise that working in a mine was not the ideal job for me WAKE b. He thinks Danny de Vito is one of the best actors in the world HIGH c. However much you talk to him about studying more, he wont listen to you BLUE d. You had better stop going out with these guys if you want to stay out of trouble They are an awful lot. NOSE e. He doesnt work and he doesnt want to work, either All he does is hang around and watch TV THUMBS f. She is the best boss Ive ever had She is very sympathetic and understanding HEART g. Although Jack is an intelligent person, whenever he has to face up to a problem, he seems to ignore it. SAND h. You shouldnt take everything he says seriously SALT i. After they split up, she decided to start everything from beginning and move to another city LEAF j. We got very embarrassed when we realised that we were the most shabbily dressed people at that party. BEETROOT KEY: UNIT 10

Exercise 1 1D 2A 3C 4B 5A Exercise 2 a. blue b. green c. red d. green e. black f. red // black g. blue h. blue Exercise 3 a. turn over a new leaf b. on their best behaviour c. up to no good d. mended your ways e. take it with a pinch of salt f. take them at face value g. keep his nose clean Exercise 4 1. preceding 2. the dawn of 3. ahead of his time 4. aforementioned 5. from the outset 6. prior to 7. the eve of 8. preliminary 9. forerunner Exercise 5 a. I had to wake up to the sad fact that working in a mine was not the ideal job for me b. He holds Danny de Vito in high esteem c. You can talk to him about studying more till you are blue in the face, he wont listen to you d. You had better stop going out with these guys if you want to keep your nose clean Theyre an awful lot. e. He doesnt work and he doesnt want to work either All he does is twiddle his thumbs and watch TV. f. He is the best boss Ive ever had His heart is in the right place g. Although Jack is an intelligent

whenever he has to face up to a problem, he buries his head in the sand. h. You should take everything he says with a pinch of salt i. After they split up, she decided to turn over a new leaf and move to another city j. We turned as red as a beetroot when we realised that we were the most shabbily dressed people at that party. REVISION UNITS 5-10 1. Please rewrite the sentences with the given word (of course without changing it) 1. When I told him we should take a few days off, he said he agreed with me completely OPINION 2. Once he has decided to do something, nobody can dissuade him from doing it SET 3. All the students disapprove of his unruly behaviour FROWN 4. He looks up to all his teachers, which is quite rare HIGHLY 5. She pretends to be the kindest person in the world, but in fact she is unbearable MAKES 6. All the members of my family enjoy gardening, so we often go and help each other at weekends. GREEN 7. Im afraid your opinion on womens right is not at all impartial

BIASED 8. He tried everything he could to make ends meet on the money he received from the government, yet he was forced to sell some of his furniture to buy food last week. EKE 9. Im afraid we dont see eye to eye concerning the introduction of new restrictive measures SUBSCRIBE 10. They never bother to form their own opinion, they just conform to what the majority say TOE 2. Correct the errors in the following story (there are ten mistakes altogether) Politicians never seem to care about the man on the street. They claim that they will break up with the past and start a new era in the countrys history, but in fact theyre all disinterested in what ordinary people say. They keep telling us to look at the bright side of life and give reporters a cool shoulder when they claim that their character might not be above reproach and they dont live according very strict principles. In the end, of course, there is never any notable change, things stay the same whoever is in power. We have to

learn on the hard way that we should take everything politicians say with a bit of salt. 3. Fill in the gaps using one of the expressions from the previous units The first letters are given to help you. 1. time is passing: it is t a 2. to have only a little knowledge of sg: to h a s of 3. he is morally good: he is the s of the e 4. to crack up: have a n b 5. support sy: take somebody u ones w 6. to become angry: to h the r 7. humble: s -e 8. kind, sympathetic: his h is in the r p 3. Please write the original letter (ie the letter to which the one below is an answer) using the words and expressions that you have learnt so far. Dear Roderick, Ive just received your letter and I was more than interested to read that at long last you decided to settle down and start a family. The description of your wife was a pleasure to read The more I read, the more

convinced I became that there would be much fewer divorces if people lived in such harmonious and fulfilling relationships as you. By the way, thanks for your invitation, I would happily visit you and meet this angel on earth. Talking about angels, I really think that you should not bother about making it up with your uncle. It was him who hurt you so I dont see why you should apologise to him. I tell you, if you feel like working as a teacher, you should go for it. Your uncle was wrong; being rich is not the most important thing in the world and teaching doesnt mean that you were not good enough at school to do something useful!! Never mind his remarks, just do what you enjoy most. You shouldnt worry about your would-be-wife either. Im convinced shell understand and get a well-paid job Cheer up and write soon. Yours, Frederick. KEY: Exercise 1 1. When I told him we should pull out from Mexico he said he was of the same opinion 2. Once he has set his mind on doing something, nobody

can dissuade him from doing that 3. All the students frown upon his unruly behaviour 4. He thinks highly of his teachers, which is quite rare 5. She makes herself out to be the kindest person in the world, but in fact she is unbearable 6. All the members of the family have green fingers, so we often go and help each other at weekends. 7. Im afraid your opinion womans rights is heavily weighted 8. He tried everything he could to eke out an existence on the money he got from the government, yet he was forced to sell some of his furniture last week to buy some food. 9. Im afraid I cant subscribe to your point of view concerning the introduction of new restrictive measures. 10. They never bother to form their own opinion, they just toe the line Exercise 2 Politicians never seem to care about the man in the street. They claim that they will break with the past and start a new era in the countrys history, but in fact they are all uninterested in what ordinary people say. They keep telling us

to look on the bright side of life and give reporters a cold shoulder when they claim their character might not be beyond reproach and they dont live according to strict principles. In the end, of course, there is never any noticeable change, things stay the same whoever is in power. We have to learn the hard way that we should always take everything politicians say with a pinch of salt. Exercise 3 1. ticking away 2. to have a smattering of 3. he is the salt of the earth 4. have a nervous breakdown 5. take sy under ones wing 6. to hit the roof 7. self-effacing 8. his heart is in the right place UNIT 11 THE SECRET AGENT I had a very strange dream the other day. Was it really a dream, I ask myself, or was it a conscious manipulation of my brain by the intelligence agency? The very frightful question this dream raises is: who am I? A young 17-year-old boy or a secret agent of the government? The dream was a dialogue. I think I had better write down everything I remember, (you never

know) So, here is the story: - Well, to be honest, Im not at all certain that you are the most suitable person for this job. I have reservations about your abilities and I seriously doubt whether you would be able to cope with the situation. It is not surprising, therefore, that I am still hesitant and have mixed feelings about commissioning you to undertake this extremely important and very dangerous mission. We need observant, perceptive people with extraordinary abilities who have good powers of observation. I know you have these but this time youll have to have eyes on your back. - Yes, Sir. I understand that you have reservations about employing me after that fiasco last month. Still, you must agree with me that Im a good-natured man with a pleasant, likeable personality, a charming laugh, and an appealing sense of humour, not to mention my adorable little anecdotes about love, nature and the 1968 revolution. Lets face it, nobody could resist my charm. - Of course, but sometimes

you fail to notice little, yet very important details, you tend to overlook crucial pieces of information, appointments seem to escape your notice and at times it seems you cant see the wood for the trees. Shall I remind you of last month? - Oh, please dont! I understand that killing all those people might raise doubts in you, but you have to believe me, there was no other way! You see, I dont like to praise myself, but I really know this profession inside out, I have a good command of languages, dealing with people is second nature to me, I know all the codes backwards, I know all there is to know about weapons (dont look at me like that!). Boss, I know my stuff and I know what Im talking about I even know a bit about exotic countries, I have a working knowledge of computers and I try to be well-informed and have my finger on the pulse of the industry in Asia. - Very well, Smith. Theres one thing youll have to remember during the mission: no foul play this time! Regardless of what

happens, there must be no unnecessary killing, please, try to hold yourself back. Just do as you are told all the time, comply with the rules of the agency No matter what your deadly instinct is telling you, you must stick to the rules just this once. - OK boss, I understand. Come what may, Ill go by the book and observe all the regulations of the agency. Oh, I think Id better make a move, or else Ill miss my plane Ill see you, boss, I really must dash now! - All right, clear off. You know youre lucky You wouldnt get the job if you werent our best agent. Well, isnt that dream frightening and enigmatic at the same time? Anyway, from this day on, Im going to consciously prepare for a future as a secret agent. EXERCISES 1. Below is one part of a telephone conversation between an employee and his boss who is about to fire him. Try to imagine what the employee might be saying and complete the dialogue . All the other calculations were inaccurate and your estimates of the costs were

wide off the mark. Why should I not fire you?? . You think that you are indispensable, but you are greatly mistaken. . I know you think nobody would like to do your job, but I can tell you its a false assumption. . Now I see that trusting you to bury all these people was misplaced trust and the system of extra payment after each buried person was wrongheaded policy. . I tell you that you are kidding yourself, deluding yourself if you think I dont dare to fire you! . This is hardly the time and place to ask for a payrise. Your claim is absolutely unjustified, , unreasonable and groundless. . (What is the job of this man?) 2. Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings given so that the meaning does not change a) I dont care what he says, Im going to keep this puppy. Regardless b) Whatever happens, I will never leave you. Come c) I had to realise he is no better than all the other men. I had to wake d) The students were very excited before the exam. The students were on

e) You must always be outspoken and say what you mean. You must always speak f) I was shocked when my sister told me she was going to get married. I was taken g) He is so different from the others. He will never get used to working here He sticks h) I was so frightened when he leapt out from behind the bush and shouted: Hey! I nearly jumped i) Now he is used to living with his mother-in-law. Now he feels at j) I know I didnt do anything so Im not at all afraid of the trial. I have a clear 3. Complete the following sentences using the expressions with in in the box in the nick of time - in the end in a nutshell up in the air - in the same boat - in the dark in the dumps - in seventh heaven - in common day in day out 1. After his wife left him, he lost his job and his favourite team lost the fifth game in a row he was feeling . 2. You must understand that I would never do such a thing, especially not to you, we are partners so we are . 3. After they told her she

had passed the exam with flying colours she was 4. There is no reason why I should marry him, we have nothing 5. Of course he seemed reluctant at first but he agreed just like everybody else 6. He kept me for years and I didnt know anything about his secret deals with the Mafia 7. We still have 3 minutes, so would you tell me the story of the game 8. His final mark is still as the teacher said he would have to look at his essay again 9. Nobody sees and nobody can talk to him, he is working 10. She was putting on her make-up for an hour and I thought we would never make it to the theatre, but we were caught a taxi so we got there . 4. Complete the sentences using the suitable form of the word given 1. Almost everybody likes Jim, he is so CHARM 2. I was surprised to hear that she is so about sciences at such a young age KNOW 3. A bodyguard has to be in order to be able to notice any danger OBSERVE 4. A lot of actions were introduced in the US against black people after

the Civil War DISCRIMINATE 5. Now I know I shouldnt have placed any on John, he disappeared just when I needed him. RELY 6. After the accident the child only regained his the next day CONSCIOUS 7. When she noticed her childhood friend Susan hand in hand with her fiancé she was with shock. SPEAK 8. Im afraid your that you would find a flat in two days was wrong ASSUME 9. is one of the key factors of success nowadays BROAD-MINDED 5. The following words can easily be mixed up Please, decide which word fits into each sentence best. 1. appealing (nice) - appalling (awful) A long holiday near the sea sounded really ., but unfortunately the service in the hotel was rather . 2. emigrate (leave a country) - immigrate (enter a country) A great number of Hungarians from Hungary in 1956, and many of them tried to to the U.S 3. waist (lower part of the back) - waste (spend too much money on) I cant believe you . so much money on buying a skirt that doesnt even fit you at the . 4.

physicist (sy who deals with physics) - physician (doctor) A lot of . would be needed to stop all the epidemics in Africa Newton was a very well-educated . in his time 5. human (be like people) - humane (considerate, caring) Monkeys have a lot of . characteristics Do you think its . to keep animals in zoos? 6. wonder (doesnt know) - wander (walk around) I . where he is He might be in the forest near the village 7. look through (examine, investigate) - see through (know well) My grandma can . me, I cant deceive her because she knows exactly how I feel Have you . the documents yet? 8. principal (most important, adjective or director, noun) - principle (way of thinking, morals, noun) The . of the school has decided to introduce stricter rules and he takes his seriously. Our . aim is to get into the semi-finals 9. dependant (sy who depends on sg/ sy, noun) - dependent (depending on sg/ sy, adjective) Children are . on their parents in every way A lot of . in this country suffer from

inflation KEY: Exercise 2 a. Regardless of what he says, Im going to keep his puppy b. Come what may, Ill never leave you c. I had to wake up to the sad fact that he is no better than all the other men d. The students were on pins and needles before the exam e. You must always speak your mind and say what you mean f. I was taken aback when my sister told me she was going to get married g. He sticks out like a sore thumb He will never get used to working here h. I nearly jumped out of my skin when he leapt out from behind the bush and shouted Hey! i. Now he feels at ease living with his mother-in-law j. I have a clear conscience so Im not afraid of the trial Exercise 3 1. in the dumps 2. in the same boat 3. in seventh heaven 4. in common 5. in the end 6. in the dark 7. in a nutshell 8. up in the air 9. day in day out 10. in the nick of time Exercise 4 1. charming 2. knowledgeable 3. observant 4. discriminatory 5. reliance 6. consciousness 7. speechless 8. assumption 9. broad-mindedness

Exercise 5 1. appealing - appalling 2.emigrate - immigrate 3. waste - waist 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. physicians - physicist human - humane wonder - wandering see through - looked through principal - principle dependent - dependants UNIT 12 ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN AXE Today at school we were asked to analyse a piece of literature of our own choice. First I was in two minds about what to choose, but it suddenly dawned on me that the work I could best analyse is my own masterpiece The Girl with the Green Axe. So, here we go: It is important to make clear right at the outset that this story is about the human condition, the suffering and troubles of the generation that struggles to grow up. First of all, lets clear up the symbols. The clouds at the beginning represent the wasted years of her life, the people in the distance is clearly a reference to society, which does not accept her, and the trees stand for her wish to fulfil her dreams. There are very sad

undertones to this opening picture of the story, the surroundings imply that her inherent fear of civilisation is deeply rooted in her childhood, however we should not overlook the significance and meaning of the axe, which is her way of regaining her independence. Without trying to read anything into the work, we can conclude that it is basically a reflection on the writers third birthday when, not being able to blow out all the candles, he felt he was being mocked and taunted by her family. By creating her figure, it can be inferred that the seemingly innocent song of Happy Birthday to You and smiling faces in a candlelit room might be a most traumatic experience in a childs life. To sum it up, the subtle irony and exceptional technical virtuosity of the book help us gain an insight into the development of the heroines character from a birthday party to her night of independence. 1. Complete the sentences with the suitable expression about remembering and forgetting in the box. my

mind goes blank - a vague recollection - out of your mind - a memory like a sieve - in one ear and out the other - as if it were yesterday - rack your brain(s) - on the tip of my tongue - fresh in my mind - take account of 1. His name is , but Im afraid I wont be able to recall it now 2. I dont remember exactly what happened in the hospital but I have of being taken into the operating theatre. 3. Its no use telling him anything, he will forget it in a moment He has 4. You should try to pull all those troubles and do something relaxing 5. I keep telling him not to break up with his rich girlfriend but its like talking to a brick wall, it goes . 6. I cant forget the day when he returned from Asia, I can remember it 7. Im sure youll be able to recall the dates and names if you a little 8. The memory of our wedding is still 9. Whenever the teacher looks at me and asks me something, I become tongue-tied, , and I cant utter a word. 10. Your business plan sounds interesting but

you must the rapidly changing economic situation. 2. Connect the two parts of the sentences below a) If a story is far-fetched b) If something is in a class of its own c) The most well-known and important writers and poets might be called d) A vastly underrated piece of work e) If a book does not live up to your expectation, f) If you say many barriers must be hurdled before something happens, g) If ones style is reminiscent of someone elses, h) If something has a ring of truth, i) If sy is able to come up with new ideas all the time, j) An exquisite portrayal of people is 1. it is based on real facts and events 2. it means you must overcome numerous difficulties before you succeed 3. is not as famous as it should be 4. it is hard to believe it 5. a good description of them 6. it is outstanding 7. s/he has a fertile imagination 8. the leading literary lights of the age 9. it is not as good as you thought it would be 10. it means that it bears a striking similarity to his/ hers 3.

Are the following statements true or false? 1. A priceless book is not worth a lot of money 2. If you try to stay out of trouble you try to keep your nose clean 3. A sympathetic person is one that you take to at the first time you meet 4. If you are snowed under, you are very busy 5. If you have a good command of something, it implies that you are a good leader 6. If you take something with a pinch of salt, you dont believe it as it is 7. Invaluable and valuable actually mean the same 8. A person who is a soft touch is easily influenced by others 9. Swotting is learning a lot of information by heart 10. The blue-eyed boy is someones favourite 4. Below you will find words that might come handy when talking about literature comparable - condescending - enhance - essence - juxtaposed - border explore - faithful - subtle - remarkably 1. His masterpiece the theme of loneliness that is clearly to the busy city life 2. Her treatment of love and her carefully crafted characters will

certainly her popularity in the future. 3. The authors description of middle-class life in detail is the of the book 4. The peremptory and often description of country life on satire at times 5. His realistic descriptions of country life are to that of Maupassant KEY: Exercise 1 1. on the tip of my tongue 2. vague recollection 3. a memory like a sieve 4. out of your mind 5. in one ear and out the other 6. as if it were yesterday 7. rack your brain 8. fresh in my mind 9. my mind goes blank 10. take account of Exercise 2 A4 B6 C8 D3 E9 F2 G10 H1 I7 J5 Exercise 3 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. T Exercise 4 1. explores // juxtaposed 2. subtle // enhance 3. faithful // essence 4. condescending // borders 5. remarkably // comparable UNIT 13 ON BEING HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE Today I saw the first blossoming bud on the cherry tree. Spring is in the air The days are full of passion and excitement; I feel so romantic!! I am in love, Im swept off my feet, I have

a crush on a girl in my maths class, I am infatuated I know it sounds strange but Im madly in love, I adore, worship her, Im mad about her smile, crazy about her hair, she means the world to me. I think Im really besotted with her Nothing can stop these powerful feelings that fill my heart for my loved one, the one I love, my dear, dear Lisa. She is a doting lover (Im sure), so loving, affectionate towards me, her tender loving care, and her fond smiles would open up new horizons for me. She is on my mind all day, but it is so hard to talk about her. I mean, she surely has a complex personality. She is a mystery to me, her little signs of love are enigmatic, her feelings are veiled in mystery, whenever I look at her, as if by magic, I seem to be turned inside out by her wild, untamed beauty. She frequently pretends that she hasnt noticed me, which is, to my mind, a way of hiding her embarrassment. Time after time she sends a message, just like "Could you bring me a Coke,

please?", which, of course, in reality means "You have the most beautiful eyes in the world". To be honest, in the beginning it was a bit hard to decode these subtle messages but by now, as I see it, there are no more communication problems between us. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that during the classes she repeatedly looks in my direction, and time and time again she provokes short, but deeply personal conversations, like "Take your dirty ass off the bloody table!" Her voice is music to me, I am blissfully happy now. I am content with the way things are going, Im overjoyed to have this extraordinary girl with a jaunty manner, a happy disposition and a radiant smile as my lover!! I am on top of the world, I am over the moon, I feel like writing sonnets, paper, paper, I need some paper to put down the words of sheer delight!! EXERCISES 1. Please rewrite the following passage so that it means the opposite, using words and expressions from the text or previous

units. She was downcast and broken-hearted when she got the news that she would be sent to Africa on a safari. She hated travelling and whats more, she couldnt stand exotic places She felt let down by her boss, the thought of travelling on a plane got her down. She took a taxi to the airport with a heavy heart, full of grief and sorrow for her unlucky life. She became even more disillusioned and desolate when she realised how much she was compelled to eat on first class. Now, as she is sitting beside the swimming pool sipping her third Martini she knows her suffering is far from being over. 2. Put one of the following words or expressions from the box in the sentences plate - tenterhooks - fence - cards - increase - mind -bottle - grapevine thin - ice - rocks 1. Whats on your ?Nothing special 2. Its the middle of the exam period and I have a lot on my , I cant even relax for a day. 3. How would you like your bourbon? On the , please 4. Its so sad that her father has been on the

since she was a child 5. What is the news? Have they called yet? Im on and I wont be able to fall asleep until I know they are safe. 6. Now would you like to buy the car or would you not like to buy a car Youve been sitting on the far too long, Im beginning to lose my patience. 7. I heard it on the that Sheila is pregnant, but please dont tell anybody yet 8. Its saddening to hear that unemployment is on the again 9. We were on last week with all these debts but now it seems that everything will be settled soon. 10. Theyve trained a lot and are bound to win, but its always on the that you can lose a game. 3. Choose the (one) correct ending for the sentences below 1. If you are on top of the world, you a) are angry b) feel happy c) are successful 2. He is the salt of the earth means he a) is the heart and soul of parties b) is grumpy, ironic c) his a decent man. 3. If someone flies off the handle, he a) is absent-minded b) gets angry c) is easy-going 4. If one is cut off in her

prime, a) she is expelled from school b) dies young c) has divorced 5. If you jump out of your skin, you a) are surprised b) are happy c) nervous 6. If someone is twiddling his thumbs, he is a) nervous b) lazy c) impatient 4. Match the social types in the box with their description chatterbox, lone wolf, magic woman, the black sheep, business-minded, 1. She cant keep quiet about anything, she lets in everybody on the latest events and it is most dangerous to tell her any secrets as she spills the beans, reveals every detail. 2. He is a self-sufficient person He lives in an isolated, far-off place He has green fingers so he doesnt have to meet people very often. He is an old hand at DIY, and he enjoys being close to nature. He loves to contemplate the life of birds, he is preoccupied with environment protection and he sometimes even toys with the idea of joining the Green Party, but he is always put off by the fact that he would have to meet a lot of people there. 3. Whoever meets her

takes a fancy to her at once She never fails to emphasize her perfect body with her enticing, irresistible dresses, no wonder all the men in the office lust after her. She has to take a cat nap in the afternoon lest the stress of work should have a deteriorating effect on her skin. Whenever she feels someone doesnt pay enough attention to her, she turns on the waterworks (bursts out crying, that is), and hopes that there will always be a man ready to offer a shoulder to cry on. Of course, she is rather sensitive, which means she is simply unbearable if gets out on the wrong side of the bed and she is in one of her moods. 4. He is an embarrassment, he is always asking for trouble You will not find any relative that would happily admit to having common ancestors with him. He tries to worm his way into peoples hearts and when they believe everything he says hook, line and sinker, he tries to pull the wool over their eyes and cheat them out of their money. Of course, he keeps promising

everybody that he will mend his ways and he will turn over a new leaf, but the family know that they had better take anything he says with a pinch of salt, otherwise he might try to lead them up the garden path. 5. She is quick on the uptake, striking up a friendship comes naturally to her, all her teachers agree that she is a gifted child with outstanding abilities. Whenever she sees someone is in trouble she is quick to give them moral support, she is ready to lend a helping hand if she sees suffering, pain or poverty. The sight of people running after buses can fill her heart with sympathy and often makes her cry. 6. He is a real social climber, hes got a well-paid job, so he has money to burn, but he is so competitive and power-hungry that he often finds himself in a tight spot. He builds castles in Spain, never takes any advice and believes that accepting other peoples opinion is a sign of weakness. 5. Which of the two words fits into the sentence? When she opened the letter and

read that she got the scholarship to Oxford, she was on top of the . A) earth B) world Although Ann is only four years old you cant lie to her because she through you. A) looks B) sees 3. When I was a child I was only given a present if I was my best behaviour A) in B) on 4. I am the opinion that we could organise this journey much cheaper A) of B) on 5. The way we were treated at that expensive restaurant was really , weve decided never to go there again. A) appealing B) appalling 6. She admitted that even she had about letting her daughter go to Spain with two of her girlfriends. A) reservations B) a reservation 7. He is good-natured but he often cant see the wood the trees A) for B) from 8. Susan seems out of these days I think she ought to take a couple of days off A) sort B) sorts 9. I am afraid that some important facts may have your notice A) avoided B) escaped 10. The true reasons for her suicide are still veiled in A) misery B) mystery KEY: Exercise 2 1. mind 2.

plate 3. rocks 4. bottle 5. tenterhooks 6. fence 7. grapevine 8. increase 9. thin ice 10. cards Exercise 3 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b Exercise 4 1. Chatterbox 2. Lone wolf 3. Magic woman 4. Black sheep 5. The salt of the earth 6. High-flyer Exercise 5 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A UNIT 14 POPPING THE QUESTION April 1 4th: I think it is just about time to bring matters to a head and pop the question. I never thought the prospect of marriage would be so appealing to me, but now that Ive found my one and only, theres no point in waiting any further. I can picture us in the morning having breakfast, I can see us walking in the park, I am daydreaming about our nice, cosy little house, Im always fantasising about our children and so on. Could all this be true? Is it hallucination, am I seeing things, is it just a figment of my imagination? I have to be sure. Ill be forthright and straightforward. Im an honest, outspoken man so Im going to call a spade a spade,

Ill pull no punches and tell her bluntly that Id like her to be my lawful wedded wife! I hate people who are always beating about the bush, and I never mince my words, I like to speak my mind wherever I am and whoever Im talking to. EXERCISES: 1.Match the words and expressions in the two columns below a. discuss 1. tongue-tied b. start talking to somebody 2. talk turkey c. you cant say anything 3. have a heart-to-heart d. suggest sg indirectly 4. deliver a speech e. speak to a lot of people 5. drop a hint f. tell your opinion 6. address sy g. say silly things 7. air your views h. discuss sg personal with a friend 8. talk something over 2. Use the suitable forms of one of the expressions in column B to complete the sentences below. 1. He had problems about all those people who were waiting for him to start his lecture 2. He was asked to , but he refused saying he had nothing to add to the official statement of his company. 3. Janice seems rather depressed and

downcast these days, I think it is just about time we had a. 4. He hates talking in public He is sick of having to at conferences 5. You mustnt listen to anything he says; he always 6. She is so beautiful whenever she talks to me Im absolutely I dont know what to say 7. You have to your plans to travel around the world with your parents before you buy the tickets. 3. What sort of people are being described ? Decide on the basis of the descriptions Jenny, the secretary and Sam hate each other. There is certainly no love lost between Sam and Jenny. It is quite clear that he is not her type and he doesnt take kindly to her either It seems he has something against her and she bears a grudge against him, too. Jennys hatred is rather intensive, whenever we ask her about Sam she says I cant stand his perfume, detest his elegant suits, I loathe his posh cars and despise his charm. etc However emotional she gets when it comes to Sam, in her work she is not so enthusiastic, her

halfhearted efforts are rarely successful, her hearts not in it. However much they might hate each other, theres one thing Sam and Jenny would never disagree about; and that is their shared hatred towards the boss. He is always throwing his weight around, trying to boss them around. He lays down the law, breathes down their neck and often lectures them on how to run a business successfully. In short, he gives them hell When he takes on somebody, he talks about placing his trust in the newcomer, he repeats he has confidence in him/her. Later, of course, he starts talking about blind faith, finally about misplaced trust. July, has a phobia about being hated by everybody. She is a timid young girl, the bosss voice rattles her but strangely enough she managed to get on the right side of the boss, somehow she won his heart. He sees something in her, as he says She is a woman after my own heart Needless to say, the others are jealous of her, they are green with envy and they keep talking

about an alleged love affair between the two of them, they say she wrapped him around her little finger, she has him in her pocket, and that she has him eating out of her hand, but it is just sour grapes. 4. Fill in the sentences below using one of the idioms in the box heaven and earth - ins and outs - ups and downs - tosses and turns - far and wide rack and ruins - again and again - wait and see 1. He moved to become president but fortunately his efforts were in vain 2. I told my son not to touch a live wire but he does it 3. Ive searched for a good job but there was nothing suitable 4. Generally speaking, Hungarian businesses are successful but that does not mean that they dont have their every now and then. 5. They stayed abroad for a year and when they came back, they realised their house was going , as the tenants living there neglected it completely. 6. Im afraid nobody knows the result of the election yet, well have to 7. He is so worried about his exam tomorrow

that he simply cannot sleep, he just every night 8. He is a very experienced salesman, he knows the of selling furniture to rich people 5. Could you please rewrite the following sentences using the words given? a) He is very experienced at marketing. He knows everything about ads and commercials INS b) You mustnt pay attention to him, he talks nonsense all the time. TURKEY c) What I hate about him is that he never says what he means, he simply cant get to the point. BUSH d) There are a lot of difficulties that must be overcome before you receive your degree. HURDLED e) It is very hard to work effectively in such horrific atmosphere. The boss is always inspecting us. NECK f) Of course we would like to win but you see, we cant outrule the possibility of losing. CARDS g) I was overjoyed when the results of the final examinations came out. MOON h) I always sleep a bit in the afternoon so that I can work late into the night. CAT i) Its about time you decided whether you would like to go

on studying or not. You have been hesitating for far too long. FENCE j) Jim and Geoffrey certainly hate each other. Whenever we go to the country on business, they would never ever sit in the same car. LOST KEY: Exercise 1 a- 8 b-6 c-1 d-5 e-4 f-7 g-2 h-3 Exercise 2 1. addressing 2. air his views 3. heart-to-heart 4. deliver speeches 5. talks turkey 6. tongue-tied 7. talk over 8. drop a hint Exercise 4 1. heaven and earth 2. again and again 3. far and wide 4. ups and downs 5. rack and ruins 6. wait and see 7. tosses and turns 8. ins and outs Exercise 5 a) He knows the ins and outs of advertising. b) You mustnt pay attention to him, he talks turkey all the time. c) What I hate about him is that he is always beating about the bush, he simply cant get to the point. d) Many barriers must be hurdled before you receive your degree. e) Its very hard to work effectively in such a horrible atmosphere. The boss is always breathing down our necks. f) Of course wed like to win, but losing is

on the cards as well. g) I was over the moon when the results of the final examinations came out. h) I always take a cat nap in the afternoon so that I can work late into the night. i) Its about time you decided whether you would like to go on studying or not. Youve been sitting on the fence for far too long. j) There is no love lost between Jim and Geoffrey. Whenever we go to the country on business, they would never sit in the same car. UNIT 15 MY COUSIN IS SO BIG-HEADED My youngest cousin is the reigning national tennis champion. Of course we are all pleased and delighted with this fact, his parents take pride in his results, he is their pride and joy. Needless to say, Jonathan (my cousin, that is) has a sense of achievement, so much so that he has been rather bigheaded and conceited. He is full of himself and he let his success go to his head. Anyway, Im sure these people think the others are beneath them, they look down on them and they think they are too good to even talk to

everyday people. This is just the case with my smug, self-important, pompous, complacent little cousin. By the way, Ive decided to take up tennis so that I can put him in his place, cut him down to size and wipe the smile off his face. EXERCISES 1. Which is the odd one out? 1. proud, smug, complacent, self-righteous 2. conceited, thrilled, big-headed, vain 3. valuable, precious, worthless, invaluable 4. immaterial, impersonal, unimportant, insignificant 5. terrific, blood-curdling, horrific, spine-chilling 6. inscrutable, expressionless, impassive, lunatic 7. poignant, touching, passionate, emotive 8. undermine, highlight, underline, accentuate 9. disapprove, disregard, frown upon, denounce, 10. perseverance, calamity, willpower, tenacity, 2. Complete the sentences using the suitable forms of the words given 1. When the ambulance arrived he was heavily BLOOD 2. What he was most worried about was the prospect of FAIL 3. His strong of the crime made everybody stand on his side

DENY 4. This weather make me very MYSERY 5. The success of the business depends on the of the methods we use EFFECTIVE 6. He expressed his to all the members of the team that had helped him GRATEFUL 7. You must learn this old WISE 8. The blunder you have committed is , I dont think she will ever forgive you EXCUSE 9. He is a kind person but he is so it takes him ages to make up his mind to do anything DECIDE 10. He lives very He gets up at 6, goes jogging and eats only fat-free food HEALTH 3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with one of the body parts nose - headX3 - hairX2 - finger - faceX3 - hand - thumbs - eyed 1. He was so proud of his biology results we thought he got a bit too big for his boots, so we will have to wipe the smile off his . 2. He is so snobbish he looks down his at everybody who has fewer than five cars 3. He used to be a self-effacing, humble person but he let his success go to his 4. They are always calling him when he is abroad, and they send him

parcels full of sweets and food, he is the blue - . boy of the family 5. He is so hard-headed you can talk to him about going back to his wife till you are blue in the . 6. He is all , he cant even change a bulb 7. It is no use burying your in the sand, you will have to these problems one day 8. There was nothing he could do She wrapped him around her 9. After two days of hard work I could go home and let my down 10. When I entered the room, the sight of all that blood made my stand on end 11. There is nothing new you can tell me about him, I know him like the back of my 12. There is no point in your telling the boss about all this stuff It is like banging your against a brick wall. 13. I had been waiting for a long time, but there was a point when I decided to bring matters to a. 4. Connect the two parts of the sentences a) He was so tired, when they got home he went out b) When you talk to him, you must remember not to bring up the subject of his previous job. It is

c) I dont think we will be able to find him in this crowd, its . d) He simply hates to work with him, they are . They have nothing in common e) You shouldnt talk to him now, someone must have upset him on the way to the office and now he is . f) Wherever Joe goes, he breaks everything. He is g) Mike would be a nice fellow if he werent drinking h) Trying to find him in this huge crowd is . 1. like water off a ducks back 2. like looking for a needle in a haystack 3. like chalk and cheese 4. like a fish 5. like a light 6. like a bull in a china shop 7. like a red rag to a bull 8. like a bear with a sore head 5. Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box SEE X5 - LOOK X3 - SIGHT - STARE 1. He doesnt seem to have any respect for blue-collar workers He down his nose at everybody who has fewer than three degrees. 2. He doesnt seem to enjoy the course, but once he has started he should it through 3. Dont worry about posting the letters, Ill to it 4. I know that hi-fi is

not the best quality, but you should never a gift horse in the mouth 5. After working for three days without a break, he was not a for sore eyes 6. It really makes me red when he is late for the lesson 7. Im afraid we dont eye to eye with my parents about moving to the countryside They cant understand I wouldnt like to leave all my friends and move to a one-horse town. 8. He had been looking for the college for hours when he realised it was right in front of him and it him in the face. 9. You mustnt get depressed just because youve failed that exam Remember, you should always on the bright side of life. 10. I know the college seems a bit run down but it has better days, it used to be the cultural centre of the country. KEY: Exercise 1 1. proud 2. thrilled 3. worthless 4. impersonal 5. terrific 6. lunatic 7. passionate 8. undermine 9. disregard 10. calamity Exercise 2 1. bleeding 2. failure 3. denial 4. miserable 5. effectiveness 6. gratitude 7. wisdom 8. inexcusable 9.

indecisive 10. healthily Exercise 3 1. face 2. nose 3. head 4. eyed 5. face 6. thumbs 7. head // face 8. finger 9. hair 10. hair 11. hand 12. head 13. head Exercise 4 a-5 b-7 c-1 d-3 e-8 f-6 g-4 h-2 Exercise 5 1. looks 2. see 3. see 4. look 5. sight 6. see 7. see 8. stared 9. look 10. seen REVISION UNITS 10 - 15. 1. Below is a letter written in simple English Rewrite it changing as many simple words into more sophisticated expressions as possible. Dear Mum and Dad, The new job here is quite good. The boss is good, too I like him and he likes me as well It is easy to work with him because he loves me and always does what I tell him. I had to realise that some of my colleagues are jealous but I still like working here. The secretaries are the best of my friends, but the marketing manager hates me. He is so intolerant and unkind, I never believe what he says. Im not certain Id like to work here for a long time, but Id like to learn French and be with my Johnny. He is the companys

lawyer and he is a very good man Im always very happy when he smiles at me. Have to rush now. Please write soon Love, Jenny 2. The word in the following sentences are in the wrong order Put the words in the correct order. 1. Ive the it grapevine on that heard Suzy the off yesterday her feet was swept party at 2. then and now Every Sam keep visits her to company Mrs Jones Shes full died of and been grief since her sorrow husband. 3. Did the pop he really or was imagination question my it figment just a of? 4. I for call words spade I and always mince a spade a never 5. Although sees heart is work her in her, something her the never boss in 3. Complete the following sentences with one suitable word 1. The new students is on good with his fellows 2. He keeps telling everybody she is not good enough for that job but it is just sour grapes The boss something in her and he place his in her. 3. He bears a against her just because she is so sociable and can it off well with

everybody and she has a of achievement. 4. He says he has fingers but, as a matter of fact, youll never see him outside the house 5. He is such an arrogant man, he looks his at everybody in the office Its just about time somebody him down to . 4. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given Remember, you must not change the words given in any way. 1. I try to learn all the latest news about marketing PULSE 2. He is so clumsy, he is hopeless at any job that demands dexterity THUMBS 3. When he asked her whether she would like to go out with her, she became very embarrassed BEETROOT 4. He will do everything he can to get that job in Mexico EARTH 5. Her colleagues do as she tells them as they are under the spell of her beauty EATING 6. The neighbours were very jealous when they saw we bought a new TV set GREEN 7. I decided to tell him bluntly what I think of him PUNCHES 8. You should never believe what he says to be the whole truth FACE 9. He is by far my most experienced

agent He knows everything about this job OUTS 10. I would like to ask you not to tell the press your opinion on this rather delicate matter AIR KEY: Exercise 2 1. Ive heard it on the grapevine that Suzy was swept off her feet yesterday at the party 2. Every now and then Sam visits Mrs Jones to keep her company Shes been full of grief and sorrow since her husband died. 3. Did he really pop the question or was it just a figment of my imagination? 4. I never mince for words and I always call a spade a spade 5. Although her heart is not in her work, the boss sees something in her Exercise 3 1. terms 2. sees // trust 3. grudge // hit // sense 4. green 5. down // nose // cut // size Exercise 4 1. I try to keep my finger on the pulse of marketing 2. He is all thumbs, he is hopeless at any job that demands dexterity 3. When he asked her whether she would like to go out with her, she became as red as a beetroot. 4. Hell move heaven and earth to get that job in Mexico 5. She has her colleagues

eating out of her hand as they are under the spell of her beauty 6. The neighbours were green with envy when they saw we bought a new TV set 7. I decided to pull no punches with him and tell him what I think of him 8. You should never take anything he says at face value 9. He is by far the most experienced agent He knows the ins and outs of this job 10. I would like to ask you not to air your views in this rather delicate matter UNIT 16 THE BLACK SHEEP If Im the black sheep of the family, Jennifer is quite the opposite. She has a good relationship with the teachers, she gets along well with her classmates, she is on good terms with the neighbours and she can hit it off with basically everybody she meets. She always talks sense, she is very reasonable and mature, as they say. She has both feet on the ground, her head is screwed on right, she is a very practical, pragmatic person. She is an avid reader as she says ( I would rather say she is a bookworm), and she always tries to help

other people in trouble (within reason, of course). My parents put their trust in her, they have confidence in her and keep asking her to talk some sense into me, to get me to see reason at last and so on. I liked her as well but now I see it was misplaced trust. Its horrible that theres no one you can trust these days. My sister is so gossipy I can be sure anything I tell her will be common knowledge in the family within an hour. Why did I tell her that I was going to fail in biology? Well, you see, somehow she always deceives me, she worms her way into my heart me by pretending to be the most understanding sister in the world, and when I have complete trust in her, she strings me along, she pulls the wool over my eyes, and leads me up the garden path. Her next move is to run to mother and tell her all about it I know I only have myself to blame, Im solely responsible, but I cant help telling her everything! I always promise myself that I will be canny and smart and shrewd the next

time, Ill let her know in no uncertain terms Im nobodys fool but when it comes to actually telling her, Im lost for words and she always manages to get the truth out of me one way or another. Because of my little sister, today I had a little discussion with mother (I think shed call it a telling-off or a good talking-to). She lectured me on my future, as she said The topic was, of course, my biology test. Now that shes told me I know that its easy, its a snap, a breeze, its like falling off a log, theres nothing to it. I should take a look at my sister "She can do it standing on her head, its childs play for her, these things come naturally to her, she can do it with her eyes shut. Why cant you, son?" I could beat her in biology with one arm tied behind the back, but Im a sensitive person. I cant keep on swotting all day, I have IDEAS that need expression. Im working for a better world, thats what they should realise 1. Fill in the blanks with one suitable word On entering

the flower shop I realised there was something in the air. The assistant gave me an uncertain, hesitant look and I thought I should be careful with him and I shouldnt let him his way into my , just to make me buy things I would never dream of buying under normal circumstances. I have a reputation of being a practically-minded person who has both on the , but I must admit there was something in the mans eyes that made my stand on . Generally, Im a warm-hearted fellow and I can hit it well with most people, but looking at this man I had the sneaking suspicion that somehow he will try to lead me the garden . I quickly chose two roses and left the mysterious flower shop as quickly as possible. I still have a vague memory of the man running after me but I didnt stop as I knew all he wanted was my money and my soul. I wasnt born yesterday and Im nobodys ! I luckily escaped but I think Ill go back one of these days just to tell him in no terms that his magic didnt work on me and

that it never will. (I might also give him the money for the roses, which I didnt pay but Im not really sure yet.) 2. Replace the words underlined with their synonyms in the box ephemeral - undertaking - inevitable - discord - calamity - pejorative - viable - bias - distinct from - tenacity 1. However unkind he might be, I cant help admiring his determination to succeed 2. His sudden interest in aerobics is just a passing fad 3. If you insist on carrying on with this kind of job, you must face the unavoidable consequence 4. I hope the security measures we have taken to ensure the security of the building will save us from any disaster. 5. The organisation of the conference is the most important project I have ever done 6. The project he put forward seems to be feasible 7. Their remark had a very negative overtone 8. He was not able to overcome his own prejudice when writing about womens rights 9. The second chapter of the book is different than the others as there are far more

exercises 10. The position of the working woman in modern society has been a source of controversy in the class from the first day. 3. Pair the words and expressions on the right with their meaning on the left DIFFICULT - HOUSE IN A BAD CONDITION - CRITICIZE - ALMOST CRY - START CRYING derelict, run-down, be on its last legs, has seen better days pick holes in, run down, find fault with break down, turn on the waterworks, burst into tears daunting, it will take some doing, a tall order have a lump in your throat, be on the verge of tears 4. Rewrite the sentences using the phrasal verbs below do with - fall through - fall back on - fill in - go down with - go in for - break up - see sg through - run through - write sy off 1. After he spent the night out in a sleeping bag he caught the flu 2. The school year finishes in June 3. I didnt have a lot of time so I read the article quickly 4. Jack is my best friend I know I can always rely on him whenever I have some problem 5. I got sick

and tired of hanging around all day, so I decided to take up tennis 6. Our plan to travel to Stockholm by bus did not materialise 7. Once Ive started this course, I will not quit before the end 8. A cup of tea would be really nice 9. I fell ill last week so my colleagues had to do my job 10. He never did his homework last year so the teachers now consider him a lazy-bone KEY: Exercise 1 1. worm 2. heart 3. feet 4. hand 5. hair 6. ear 7. off 8. up 9. path 10. fool 11. uncertain Exercise 2 1. tenacity 2. ephemeral 3. inevitable 4. calamity 5. undertaking 6. viable 7. pejorative 8. bias 9. distinct from 10. discord Exercise 3 DIFFICULT: daunting, itll take some doing, a tall order HOUSE IN BAD CONDITION: derelict, run-down, be on its last legs, has seen better days ALMOST CRY: have a lump in your throat, be on the verge of tears CRITICIZE: pick holes in, run down sy, find fault with sy START CRYING: break down, burst into tears, turn on the waterworks Exercise 4 1. After he spent the

night out in a sleeping bag, he went down with the flu 2. School breaks up in June 3. I didnt have a lot of time so I ran through the article 4. Jack is my best friend I know I can fall back on him whenever I have some problem 5. I got sick and tired of hanging around all day doing nothing, so I decided to go in for tennis 6. Our plan to travel to Stockholm fell through 7. Once Ive started this course, I will see it through 8. I could do with a cup of tea 9. I fell ill last week so my colleagues had to fill in for me 10. He never did his homework last year, so the teachers have written him off as a lazy-bone UNIT 17 PARTYING May 3rd After the stressful spring tests I decided I needed a break. I felt I had to let off steam and relax a bit. It seemed a good idea to have a night out with the boys At first we didnt see eye to eyeabout where to go, I had to use strong-arm tactics and emotional blackmail to make them come round to my way of thinking. Finally, I was successful so we are

going to my favourite restaurant and the best club in town. Im sure were going to have a whale of a time, it will help to put our troubles behind us, and put all those sad memories out of our mind. Well have the time of our life and I was so excited I couldnt eat anything for lunch. We are going to a restaurant anyway, so I just had a snack, a quick bite to eat (actually, I wolfed down a bar of chocolate) and Im looking forward to the evening. I know we are going to stuff ourselves, polish off everything, I can already see that Little Francis is going to make a pig out of himself and I will gorge myself with sweets. Writing about it makes me so hungry I could eat a horse! Nice prospects! Have to go now to get ready. EXERCISES 1. Choose the one alternative below that does not fit the sentences of the story Although my parents did their best to (a), I was set in my ways to go to that punk rock concert as Id already promised the boys and I decided not to (b) . I dont care that my family

say Im (c), and I know they (d) my taste in music, and they say (e), I know theres nothing to be worried about at those concerts, which of course they will never understand. Anyway, the main thing is Im going to (f). I (g) my parents attitude as I understand they would like to make the most of their last chance (h) . (a) dissuade me from going out/ talk me out of going out / twist my arm to stay at home (b) let them down / deceive them / disappoint them (c) easily-led/ inducing/ a soft touch (d) frown upon /disapprove of/ discourage (e) defy them / give them a black look /go against their wishes (f) have the time of my life / have good fun / be full of beans (g) am rather philosophical about/ wont lose any sleep over / wont be worrisome about (h) to be strict / to mould me into a law-abiding citizen / to educate me 2. Below there are some expressions with eat and drink Rewrite the sentences using the suitable expression. drink in the beauty - eat my hat - eat out - have your cake and

eat it - drink everybody under the table - eat him alive - drinking like a fish - eat your words - eating out of his hand 1. When he finally arrived 30 minutes late, I thought the teacher was going to 2. He said speeding shouldnt be a problem for him He is best friends with all the policemen in town, he has them . 3. Im so bored with the dishes my wife cooks I told her we should at least twice a week 4. He said that I was giving away precious information to other firms but when I proved I was innocent he had to . 5. We stopped at the foot of the mountain and got out of the car to of the untouched countryside. 6. You either marry him and be rich or leave him and stay poor You see, its a choice youll have to make, you cant . 7. The captain said that he could but he sank into a drunken sleep after the third shot 8. The reason why I would never employ him is that he is and I wont have drunk people in the office. 9. I will if he ever manages to pass his driving test 3.

Substitute the expressions in italics with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs in the box. walk out on sy - put sy up - make up for - crop up - bring up - live up to my expectations - show up - call off 1. Her boyfriend left her after he found out she had cheated on him 2. Everyone was annoyed when he started to talk about the new coffee machine again 3. He never knows what to do when a problem presents itself 4. Would you let my friend sleep at your place tonight? 5. He said he would be there at five but he never arrived 6. The new Keanu Reeves movie was not as good as I expected 7. We had to cancel the trip as the weather was rainy 8. He said horrible things about my parents and later tried to compensate by buying me loads of chocolate. KEY: Exercise 1 1. twist my arm to stay at home 2. deceive them 3. inducing 4. discourage 5. give them a black look 6. be full of beans 7. wont be worrisome about 8. to educate me Exercise 2 1. 2. eat him alive 3. eating out of his hands 4.

eat out 5. eat his words 6. drink in the beauty 7. have your cake and eat it 8. drink everybody under the table 9. drinking like a fish 10. eat my hat Exercise 3 1. Her boyfriend walked out on her after he found out she had cheated on him 2. Everyone was annoyed when he brought up the topic of the new coffee machine again 3. He never knows what to do when a problem crops up 4. Would you put up my friend tonight? 5. He said he would be there at five but he never showed up 6. The new Keanu Reeves movie didnt live up to my expectations 7. We had to call off the trip because the weather was rainy 8. He said horrible things about my parents and later tried to make up for it by buying me loads of chocolate. UNIT 18 THE SUMMER JOB May 24th Working and the use of tools puts man at the top of the food chain. My parents made this quite clear to me this morning and added things like I needed to widen my horizons, meet people from different walks of life, and so on. I suspected something

unpleasant was to follow but I pretended I was listening carefully, that I found their statement about the food chain most interesting, that I took a keen interest in the life of our predecessors, and I was fascinated, engrossed and intrigued by the great insight my parents demonstrated by their deep, philosophical remark. I feared the worst, but I managed to sit there poker-faced, with an expressionless, blank look waiting for them to come out with it. Son we wouldnt like to force you to do anything against your will as we firmly believe that if one is loath to do something and he does it reluctantly, and grudgingly, it might be a harrowing, traumatic experience. On the other hand, if you do something willingly, gladly and readily, you will feel the sheer delight and beauty of a new experience that may change your life forever. Now I knew it was going to be something severe. Then, finally they spat it out Would you like to work for Mr Bronson in his clothes shop in the summer? Now

what? Oh, Dad! I dont mind working, I really feel like doing it, I wouldnt say no to such an offer. You knew I would do anything to spend the whole summer there, Im so eager to try my hand at selling clothes, Im so keen on the clothes business I would give my right arm to work with Mr Bronson. I dream of arranging the clothes on the shelves, Im longing to get up early every day (so I wont have a problem getting up in September) and I feel this desire, wish and urge to become the best shop assistant in our street. Thanks, dad, thanks a lot Youre welcome son, Im really pleased you see things my way Im proud of you. The moral of the story: Irony is not always the best way to labour a point with parents. EXERCISES 1. Decide which options would NOT fit the sentence below 1. If you work somewhere, you are on the payroll b) on duty c) employed by the firm d) have been taken on 2. If you are an entrepreneur, you run your own business b) are self-employed c) are your own boss d)

self-sufficient 3. If you are overworked, you work your fingers to the bone b) put a lot of effort into your work c) drive yourself too hard d) throw your weight around a lot 4. The boss travels on business and we have a) long hours of toil b) to do the donkey work c) to be on the dole d) toil away for hours at night 5. He is so he is a pleasure to work with a) committed b) laborious C) dedicated d) hardworking 2. Complete the sentences using the suitable forms of the words and expressions in the box job-hunting - backbreaking - make ends meet - work towards - go from rags to riches - work like charm - make the best of a bad job - not do a stroke of work - set about - take on 1. I needed an extra waiter so I Jacks younger brother I hope he will live up to my expectations. 2. He is such a lazy bone he is sitting around all day and doesnt 3. He is working 18 hours a day just to 4. He found oil on his farm, so he within a year 5. It is already eight so I think we had better

our work 6. Digging the whole garden it one day was the most job I had ever done 7. He told me to hide my cheating paper in my watch and it 8. We are a better future for the whole world 9. How long have you been ? 10. Only four people attended the lecture, but we decided to and went to the nearest pub for a drink. 3. Paraphrase the sentences using one of the expressions in the box wipe sy/sg off the face of the earth - keep a straight face - slam the door in sys face - it is plain as the nose in your face - just a pretty face - it is staring me in the face - have the face to do sg - wipe the smile off his face - it was written all over his face - till you are blue in the face 1. I didnt even have to ask him what he had done It was obvious when I looked at him 2. It so obvious I simply cannot understand why you cannot accept it 3. I asked someone to show me the way to the cathedral and only when he pointed at the building next to us did I realise that it was right in front of me

all the time. 4. He is so condescending and smug we should put him into his place, Im afraid 5. We tried not to laugh when the director slipped in front of the school, but we didnt manage, unfortunately. 6. You can talk to him about going back to his wife as much as you please, it is like talking to a brick wall. 7. He was so cheeky he told me he would never give back the money he had borrowed from me 8. When the boss lectured him on how to do his job, he got mad and dashed out of the bosss office. 9. They dont have a chance in hell to win We are going to destroy them! 10. During the last two years she proved that she is not only a beautiful woman but a very effective marketing manager as well. KEY: Exercise 1 1. b 2. d 3. d 4. c 5. b Exercise 2 1. took on 2. doesnt do a strike of work 3. make ends meet 4. went from rags to riches 5. set about 6. backbreaking 7. worked like charm 8. working towards 9. job-hunting 10. make the best of a bad job Exercise 3 1. I didnt have to ask him

what he had done It was written all over his face 2. He took the money, ran out of the building It is plain as your nose in your face I simply dont understand why you cannot accept it. 3. I asked someone to show me the way to the cathedral and only when he pointed at the building next to us did I realise that it was staring me in the face all the time. 4. He is so condescending and smug we should wipe the smile off his face, Im afraid 5. We tried to keep a straight face when the director slipped in front of the school, but we didnt manage, unfortunately. 6. You can talk to him about going back to his wife till you are blue in the face, it is like talking to a brick wall. 7. He had the face to tell me that would never give back the money he had borrowed from me 8. When the boss lectured him on how to do his job, he got mad and slammed the door in his face. 9. They dont have a chance in hell to win We are going to wipe them off the face of the earth 10. During the last two years she has

proved that she is not just a pretty face but a very effective marketing manager as well